P. 151

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                                 2020 YDT
           Karşılıklı  konuşmanın  boş  bırakılan  kısmını
                                                                3.  Ann:
           tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                    —  You’re reading a lot these days.
          2020 YDT                                                 Boris:
         1.  Reporter:                                              —  Not really. I’ve just read two books in the last couple
            —  So,  you  say  we  should  spend  less  time  in  places  like   of  weeks.  It’s  just  that  whenever  you  visit  me,  you
               cubicles, cars, and soft armchairs.                    happen to find me reading.
            Physician:                                             Ann:
            —  Exactly! We’re programmed to thrive in nature. Spending   —  _______
               time outside boosts our mood and makes us feel calmer.  Boris:
            Reporter:                                               —  Why don’t you set yourself a goal of one book a month
            —  _______
            Physician:                                                or something?
            —  Just  simple  things  like  enjoying  your  drinks  or  meals   Ann:
               outside or doing some workouts outdoors.             —  That’s  a  good  idea.  Setting  a  strict  time  limit  may
                                                                      motivate me to read.
            A)  How can we convince people who don’t like outdoor activities?  A)  I just don’t like reading books. Rather, I’m usually fine with
            B)  Do  you  agree  that  outdoor  activities  in  big  cities  are  very   reading my work materials in my spare time.
               expensive?                                          B)  How do you find enough time to read though you’re often
            C)  What would you suggest for those who don’t know where to   busy?
               start?                                              C)  I don’t read as much as you. I generally prefer to read best-
            D)  Outdoor activities should be preferred when it is warm, aren’t   selling novels.
               they?                                               D)  Two books? That’s more than I could bear. I’ll stick to
            E)  Is there good evidence that shows the benefits of spending   magazines.
               time in nature?                                     E)  That’s more than I can do. Whenever I start, I always find
                                                                      a good reason to quit.

          2020 YDT
         2.  Fiona:
            —  I  find  many  ancient  Roman  buildings  simply  beautiful.
               It’s  really  amazing  how  they  were  able  to  create  such
               complex structures.
            Mary:                                                2020 YDT
            —  _______                                          4.  Patient:
            Fiona:                                                  —  I’ve been trying really hard to lose weight but no
            —  What do you mean?                                       success so far.
            Mary:                                                  Dietician:
            —  Well, it was in ancient Greece that classical architecture   —  _______
               emerged and it was the Romans who contributed much   Patient:
               to its advancement in terms of complexity.
                                                                    —  A couple of times. But nothing actually worked, though
            A)  The Romans are known for their contributions to wide range   I did my best.
               of subjects from postal services to astronomy.      Dietician:
            B)  There are some art historians who claim that the Romans   —  OK, don’t worry. We’ll find out what makes it hard for
               came up with nothing novel to the art of architecture.  you to lose weight.
            C)  The Romans were not the only ones adopting the Greek
               styles and techniques in their architectural design.  A)  Well, have you ever consulted a professional before?
            D)  The Roman baths are one of the most distinguished examples   B)  How many times do you eat in a typical day?
               of the Roman architectural style.                   C)  What kind of diets have you tried until now?
            E)  I guess you should thank both the Greeks and Romans for the   D)  How often do you eat junk food?
               elaborate Roman constructions.                      E)  How long have you been on this particular diet?

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