P. 154

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        5.  A group of Chinese students faces a perilous trek from   7.  Turkish cuisine has evolved in response to environmental
            home to school because they must use wooden ladders    influences and has been combined with various cultural
            to climb a steep ledge. They need to climb around twenty   characteristics to form today’s rich food culture. On the
            metres to the summit of their distant settlement, carrying   other hand, traditions, religious beliefs, and lifestyles are
            bags or other stuff. Some villagers and even pets cross   among the factors that enrich Turkish culinary culture.
            this route, making it appear to be rather simple. But most   _______ Therefore, they have influenced Turkish cuisine
            people still find it frightening. _______ People in the   for  centuries. These  special days  perform many  social
            community want a safer way to travel there; however, it   functions, such as connecting people, strengthening
            seems like they will have to keep taking this dangerous   social ties, integrating common values, preserving
            route for a while until a better solution is found by local   traditions, and passing them on to future generations.
            authorities.                                           As an important cultural element, the food served while
                                                                   performing these activities forms the basis of the culinary
            A)  The settlement is situated on a plateau in China’s Sichuan
                                                                   A)  An important element of Turkish cultural life, Turkish
            B)  Thanks to the persistence of the locals, a new ladder was
                                                                      cuisine is also one of the few most famous cuisines in the
               installed last month.
            C)  Although the trek is very dangerous, all the residents say
                                                                   B)  Birth, marriage, death, and other special occasions have
               they love it.
                                                                      a considerable place in Turkish tradition.
            D)  The  governor  of the  region  subsequently  promised  to
                                                                   C)  The tradition of eating together is quite common among Turks.
               build a steel staircase.
                                                                   D)  Keşkek is one of the most important dishes consumed in
            E)  They claim that it makes their legs quiver and that they
                                                                      many parts of Anatolia in all transition period ceremonies.
               are afraid to look down.
                                                                   E)  Serving food to guests during religious ceremonies is a
                                                                      tradition throughout Anatolia.

        6.  One of the most significant issues determining an   8.  Do you enjoy looking at the library that you have carefully
            individual’s life is the profession they prefer. Performing   created, smelling the pages of a book, or going to places
            an occupation with satisfaction has positive contributions   such as a book fair? So, do you have a great desire to buy
            to not only the individual but also the society. It    a newly released book on the same day? If your answer
            determines the place and respect that individuals gain   is ‘yes,’ you may have ‘tsundoku syndrome.’ Tsundoku
            in the community. From this point of view, career choice   syndrome refers to the case of people having the habit of
            is an individual’s orientation towards a profession,   buying more books than they have read. Although people
            including the activities that they think they can perform   with this syndrome have a high desire to read, they do
            best among different occupations and bring them the    not have enough time for reading. _______ They believe
            highest level of satisfaction. _______ Moreover, society’s   that one day they will read every book they save.
            point of view about a job and gender factors have an
                                                                   A)  Yet, they want other people to know that they are good
            influence on this choice.
                                                                      readers, and they take great pleasure in making their
            A)  The responsibilities imposed on women and men in many   library look crowded.
               areas have created discrimination against women.
                                                                   B)  Consequently, we must make conscious choices when
            B)  Globalisation trends in the world and increasing      purchasing books that positively affect the development
               competition conditions in the tourism sector emphasise   of our cognitive skills.
               service quality.
                                                                   C)  On the other hand, young adults who are good readers
            C)  Vocational courses are carried out to increase the    from an early age have stronger cognitive abilities and the
               employability of the unemployed by improving their     capacity to process, understand, reason, and remember
               qualifications in all occupations required by the labour   information.
                                                                   D)  Moreover, nowadays, we buy most of our books from
            D)  Various factors have an impact on the choice of a     online bookstores offering appealing campaigns.
               career, such as personal characteristics, family structure,
                                                                   E)  At the same time, there is another psychological disorder
               environmental and economic conditions.
                                                                      known as bibliomania, in which people buy books only to
            E)  People can learn occupations in schools along with    save, not to read.
               workplaces which start with apprenticeships.

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