P. 157

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                               Paragraph Completion-1

                                                                   2018 YDT
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak   3.  Plants and livestock need air, water, and nourishment to
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   stay alive. If a plant does not have the kind of soil it needs,
                                                                   it may die. Similarly, animals also need to have the right
            2018 YDT
        1.  There are more than 600 ethnic or tribal groups in     climate and the right food to survive. Farmers try to raise
            Africa, and only 53 countries. Many of today’s national   the kinds of livestock and plants that will do well in their
            boundaries were created in the late 19th century by    particular region. _______ For example, many farmers in
            colonial rulers. _______ As a result, tribes are often   dry areas use irrigation, or artificial watering.
            split between different countries. The Ewe people, for   A)  Farmers raise crops and livestock in every climate and
            example, are divided between Ghana and Togo. After        in all kinds of different soil.
            independence, it has often proved difficult to create unity
            among the different peoples in one country.            B)  Plants and animals also supply such natural materials as
                                                                      cotton, flax, wool, and hides.
            A)  Africa is home to about 849 million people – more than   C)  Agriculture provides the food and many of the raw
               one in eight of the world’s population.                materials that humans need to survive.
            B)  Also, groups of nomadic people, who tend to roam   D)  Some regions receive a lot of sunlight or rainfall while
               together across many countries, are found throughout   others have colder or drier weather.
               western Africa.
                                                                   E)  If they do not have perfect natural conditions, they try to
            C)  The most heavily urbanized region in Africa is northern
                                                                      create the best conditions possible.
               Africa, and Cairo, in Egypt, is the largest city on the
            D)  Borders sometimes follow natural features, such as
               rivers, but often they just follow straight lines on a map.
            E)  The war between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples has forced
               thousands of people to leave their homes.

            2019 YDT
        2.  Forests, conserved land, and natural habitats are not   4.  Jutimanon, the owner of a riverside café named Chao
            important just for the sake of saving trees and animals.   Phraya Antique in Thailand, was worried that the flood
            Forests and all greenery are important in keeping      might be the end of her business, which had already been
            the climate in check. Plants take in the carbon in the   coping with the pandemic. _______ Instead of closing due
            atmosphere and give back oxygen, and older trees hold   to flooding, Jutimanon’s restaurant, which is located on
            on to that carbon, storing it for the duration of their   the banks of the Chao Phraya River, remained open and
            lives. By taking in carbon dioxide, they are reducing   started a new trend in Thailand. Nowadays, customers
            the greenhouse effect. _______ And now, deforestation   love not only the atmosphere and the grilled beef but also
            is responsible for about a quarter of greenhouse gas   the view of the setting sun over the river. What’s more,
            emissions.                                             they enjoy the suspense of not knowing if they will be
                                                                   swept away while eating as a result of the flood.
            A)  In other words, greenhouse gases trap heat in the
               Earth’s atmosphere, which increases global average   A)  Thai officials permitted in-house meals to resume in
               temperature.                                           September as part of a relaxation of restrictions as the
                                                                      number of new cases dropped to roughly 10,000 per day.
            B)  Unfortunately, many of the world’s forests have been cut
               down to make way for farmland, highways, and cities.  B)  You have to navigate your way through floodwaters
                                                                      while holding the customers’ food.
            C)  Yet, some countries have chosen sustainable
               development plans instead of economic plans that would   C)  Many nations’ health authorities warn individuals not to
               produce greenhouse gases.                              expose themselves to flood water.
            D)  In fact, it is not only the trees and oceans that store   D)  But then, she thought the rising waters of the Chao
               carbon, soil does, too, and by exposing the carbon to the   Phraya River might bring an unexpected opportunity for
               oxygen in the air, it helps to produce carbon dioxide.  her business.
            E)  Although the soil on a treeless hillside washes away in a   E)  The decision may just keep the firm afloat, as videos of
               mudslide, a tree-covered hillside’s soil stays put.    drenched clients escaping the waves of passing boats
                                                                      have gone viral on social media.

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