P. 160

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        5.  Computer technology  has  become  an  important part   7.  In Great Britain, the queen is the Head of State. However,
            of people’s lives, and it has its own special terms. One   she plays a limited role in the political and public life of
            example is the word ‘mouse’. Douglas Engelbart first   the country. She participates in important ceremonial
            developed the concept of the mouse in the 1960s. The   and formal roles in relation to the UK government and
            first computer mouse was a wooden block with two       represents her country around the world. _______ This is
            wheels. _______ It was, in fact, the cable that connected   made by the parliamentary system of government.
            the mouse to the computer.
                                                                   A)  The British treat Queen Elizabeth II with great respect
            A)  It is a small device that you move around on a flat surface.  and love.

            B)  The reason why it was called a mouse was because it   B)  She also presents the highest state awards to those who
               had a tail at one end.                                 deserve them.
            C)  The mouse moves the pointer on the computer screen.  C)  The queen, on the other hand, does not take part in
                                                                      the  legislative  process  or  the  process  of  governing  the
            D)  Using a mouse requires some training.
            E)  Another well-known computer word is the ‘keyboard’.
                                                                   D)  Queen  Elizabeth  II  receives  foreign  delegations  at
                                                                      Buckingham Palace.

                                                                   E)  Parliament in Great Britain consists of two chambers: the
                                                                      lower–the House of Commons and the upper–the House
                                                                      of Lords.

                                                               8.  Caffeine sensitivity may not matter at all for some people
        6.  Scientists at the National Sleep Foundation asked 1,400
                                                                   but can become a major problem for others. Sensitivity
            teenagers about their sleeping habits. According to
                                                                   to caffeine; the frequency  of consumption depends  on
            the survey, nearly 70 per cent of them were not getting
                                                                   many factors such as the amount taken regularly, body
            enough sleep. Scientists suppose that one of the reasons
                                                                   weight,  and  physical  conditions.  Many  studies  have
            is that teens have tea, coffee, and cola, which all contain
                                                                   indicated that the amount of caffeine that can be safely
            caffeine, during the day. _______ Sleep experts say that
                                                                   consumed by adults is 300 mg per day (about 3–4 cups
            these factors affect not only proper sleeping but also
                                                                   of coffee or 5–6 large cups of tea). _______ While some
            general body health.
                                                                   people who consume a few cups of coffee, tea, or cola
            A)  They can easily get angry with their friends or family.  state that they are not affected by the stimulating effect of
            B)  Another reason is spending too much time on the    caffeine, many people say that they cannot sleep due to
               computer.                                           the stimulating effect of caffeine in a cup of coffee.
            C)  Just like your body, your brain needs a little vacation   A)  Pregnant women, children, and the elderly are the groups
               every night.                                           that should limit caffeine consumption.
            D)  Reading books before sleeping is a way to relax.   B)  Degrees of sensitivity to caffeine vary from person to

            E)  Sleeping for eight hours is enough for young adults.  person.
                                                                   C)  There is not any data that shows caffeine causes
                                                                   D)  Caffeine is known to raise blood pressure for a short time
                                                                      in some people.
                                                                   E)  Caffeine does not accumulate in the bloodstream or the
                                                                      body but is excreted within a few hours of ingestion.

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