P. 163

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                               Paragraph Completion-2

                                                                   2021 YDT
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.               3.  The Aral Sea is a saltwater body in central Asia. It is
                                                                   bordered by Kazakhstan in the north and Uzbekistan in
            2019 YDT                                               the south. The Aral Sea once covered an area of 68,000
                                                                   square kilometres. However, it started to shrink during
        1.  Following the last Ice Age, humans had to adapt their diet
            and ways of life. While mobility was usual, in favourable   the second half of the 1900s, as most of the inflowing
            areas with exceptional resources, communities could    river water was used for irrigation before it reached
            become  settled.  Hunter-gatherers  used  a  wide  variety   the sea. The sea also loses water through evaporation.
            of foods. _______ For  example, herd  animals moved    _______ The Aral has therefore shrunk drastically in its
            between summer upland and winter lowland pastures,     area and volume. By the end of the 1900s, the Aral Sea
            marine fish and birds migrated seasonally, and woodlands   had lost so much water that the exposed land divided the
            produced autumn fruits and spring bulbs. However, other   sea into three separate parts.
            food sources, such as shellfish, small mammals, and    A)  The Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, which are mainly
            freshwater fish, could be found all year round.           used for irrigation, are the sea’s two main sources of
                                                                      inflowing water.
            A)  Bones and shells recovered from archaeological sites are
               the most obvious remains of what hunter-gatherers ate.  B)  The fishing industry along the Aral Sea has also been
                                                                      virtually destroyed due to a number of factors.
            B)  In some favoured regions, early humans could remain in
               one location with abundant resources.               C)  Also called Lake Aral, the Aral Sea is situated more than
                                                                      400 kilometres east of the Caspian Sea.
            C)  Hunter-gatherers in warmer areas often hunted gazelle,
               the most common mammal in the region.               D)  Scientists view the changes to the Aral Sea as a serious
                                                                      threat to the local environment and human health.
            D)  In most regions, some foods were available in different
               places at certain times of year.                    E)  Because there is not much rainfall, this water is not
                                                                      replaced fast enough to maintain the water level.
            E)  Hunter-gatherers selected environments offering a
               diversity  of  food  sources,  such  as  lakes,  rivers,  and

            2020 YDT                                           4.  Marine trash from all around the world is piled  up on
                                                                   Kenya’s beaches, posing a serious threat to turtles.
        2.  Until now, there has not been a comprehensive map of
                                                                   An official from the World Wildlife Fund has stated that
            soil bacteria, but a team of scientists recently took the
                                                                   turtles may mistake plastics for food, believing them
            first steps toward creating one and found out something
                                                                   to be jellyfish. A recent study has revealed that 23 per
            surprising along the way. These researchers collected
                                                                   cent of juvenile turtles and 54 per cent of post-hatchling
            nearly 300 soil samples from 18 countries and as many
                                                                   turtles ate plastic, implying that young turtles are more
            different environments as possible. _______ However, the
                                                                   prone than adults to die from ingesting plastic. _______
            scientists found that across these different environments
                                                                   They are unable to lay eggs when there is a lot of plastic
            on Earth, a relatively small number of bacteria species
                                                                   surrounding hatching places. Furthermore, when baby
                                                                   turtles hatch, they are unable to reach the ocean.
            A)  These tiny organisms, which populate every environment,
               play active roles in many of Earth’s biological processes.  A)  The  findings  have  revealed  that the  threat  to turtles  is
                                                                      limited to only a few species.
            B)  They create acidic environments, decompose dead
                                                                   B)  Current levels of poaching will result in the extinction of
               organisms and release gases.
                                                                      the turtle population soon.
            C)  They were expecting to find a diverse array of bacteria
                                                                   C)  Another threat of garbage pollution to turtles emerges
               species spanning different terrains.
                                                                      during their breeding season.
            D)  With this new bacteria list, scientists have a starting point   D)  The media’s excessive focus on pollution as a danger to
               for studying the complex web of ecosystem.
                                                                      sea turtles is expected.
            E)  Of the thousands of individual species of bacteria, only 20
               per cent of those are known to scientists.          E)  The issue of sea turtle conservation is more complicated
                                                                      than the locals portray.
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