P. 159

ENGLISH                                              1 ST
                                               Paragraph Completion-2

                                                               3.  The mucilage layer,  which threatens  all living  things
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak   under the sea, is an indicator of pollution. Mucilage,
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   which  occurs  as  a  result of  excessive  proliferation  of
        1.  Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer   phytoplankton groups, microalgae, and microscopic
            has an irrational fear of having no escape or being closed-  plantlets, is an organic substance and begins to appear
            in. It is one of the most common phobias. If you experience   in a slimy structure on the sea surface when it comes to
            claustrophobia, you may feel like you are having a panic   the endpoint. Mucilage disconnects sea water from the
            attack  although claustrophobia  is not  a panic  disorder.   atmosphere, causing a decrease in oxygen underwater.
            _______ Others may need therapy to manage and cope     This situation threatens  the lives  of sea creatures.
            with their symptoms.                                   Although active sea creatures such as fish manage to
                                                                   get rid of the mucilage layer, living creatures such as
            A)  The sufferer dreads not being able to breathe properly.  sponges, sea eggplants, and mussels that are still under
            B)  For some people, claustrophobia may disappear on its   the sea are adversely affected by the mucilage structure.
               own.                                                _______ Especially fishing, maritime, and tourism sectors
                                                                   experience the difficulties of it. In order to eliminate the
            C)  It can be triggered by various things like being locked in a
                                                                   mucilage problem, the wastes released into the sea must
               windowless room.
                                                                   be completely purified and the amount of nitrogen and
            D)  Symptoms  of claustrophobia  can  include sweating,   phosphorus must be reduced.
               trembling, and hot flashes.
                                                                   A)  Visible signs of this contamination began to appear in the
            E)  Many situations can trigger claustrophobia, such as being
               in a packed elevator.
                                                                   B)  Mucilage is also frequently seen in the Adriatic Sea.
                                                                   C)  The Marmara Sea Protection Action Plan for the mucilage
                                                                      problem was shared with the public.
                                                                   D)  Global temperatures are increasing due to climate

                                                                   E)  Not only living things but also the economy suffer from

        2.  A theme park in France has established a novel and   4.  Some American engineers have brought the Internet
            environmentally friendly way of keeping its grounds free   to several districts of rural Kenya. Their idea was to
            of litter. _______ The birds pick up the litter and deposit   connect the inhabitants to the web by satellite. However,
            it into a special trash can which then delivers some bird   they came across a problem. There was no electric
            feed as a reward. The more litter the birds put in the trash   power supply in these areas. _______ The heat from the
            can, the more food they get.                           sun would provide energy for the satellite dishes and
                                                                   computers that would connect the areas with the world
            A)  It has selected and trained six ‘intelligent’ rooks to pick up   outside.
               rubbish and keep the park clean.
                                                                   A)  The availability of more satellites would reduce the cost.
            B)  Some biologists say rooks, members of the crow family,
                                                                   B)  People now have access to all kinds of information.
               are as smart as a seven-year-old child.
            C)  The rooks are speedy workers and can fill a bucket with   C)  The solution was pretty simple: solar panels.
               rubbish in less than 45 minutes.                    D)  Making something work in a different climate was very
            D)  The goal is not just to clean up as the visitors are generally   challenging for them.
               careful to keep things clean.                       E)  But the engineers had to consider other things–like social
            E)  Rooks like to communicate with humans and establish a   needs.
               relationship through playing.

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