P. 162

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  Cheetahs hunt mostly during the day. They watch their   7.  Studies examining the relationship between attachment
            prey from afar. They usually choose old, weak, and baby   and academic behaviour generally look at the combined
            animals as prey. They love to eat antelope, impala, and   effects of attachment to the mother or both parents in
            gazelle. When they catch their prey, they neutralise it in a   general. _______ Along with changing sociocultural
            few minutes with their powerful jaws. _______ The reason   needs, the role of mothers in work life has increased,
            for this is that their nostrils are very wide compared to   changing  the level of  interaction between  fathers and
            other wild cats. These wide nostrils help them breathe   children.  For this  reason, growing  awareness of  the
            easily.                                                importance of fathers in a child’s development is urging
                                                                   more and more researchers to analyse the effects of
            A)  Cheetahs have extremely strong muscles and a flexible   father and mother attachment separately.
               body structure.
                                                                   A)  Besides, achievement orientations identify the basic need
            B)  During their struggle with their prey, their breathing is
                                                                      that governs behaviour towards the learning task.
               quite smooth.
                                                                   B)  However, the effects of attachment to the father have
            C)  They are so fast that they can easily increase their speed
                                                                      rarely been analysed separately.
               to sixty kilometres in an instant.
                                                                   C)  On the other hand, low communication skills, lack of
            D)  Cheetahs can hunt alone as well as in groups.
                                                                      attention, and inability to concentrate can lead to failure.
            E)  The hunting area of the females is smaller compared to
               that of the male cheetahs.                          D)  Similarly, the father has functions that support
                                                                      entertainment, play, and discovery.
                                                                   E)  Accordingly, attachment at an early age may become
                                                                      stagnant in later years.

        6.  It is seen that individuals with mental and developmental   8.  _______ Danes are constantly encouraged to take
            disabilities, especially autism, have surprising abilities   materials that are suitable for reuse or repair to recycling
            to contrast with this situation. This is a syndrome called   centres rather than throw them away. The government
            ‘Savant Syndrome’ in medicine, and it has been diagnosed   believes that it is incredibly important to protect their
            in many individuals who are known as geniuses around   resources and materials. Therefore, they believe
            the world and who have made important discoveries and   that household waste should be recycled instead of
            studies. Savant Syndrome, which may be congenital or   incinerated, and so many recycling centres have been set
            develop later, is seen in one out of every ten individuals   up across the country. Furthermore, Danish businesses
            diagnosed with autism. In addition, the abilities and   of all shapes and sizes are doing their best to support the
            skills related to Savant Syndrome are observed in many   government’s initiative, and they are using compactors
            disorders that cause mental disability,  developmental   to minimise the waste that their businesses produce.
            delay, and brain damage. Savant skills can be detected
                                                                   A)  Increasing water scarcity and population growth have
            at an early stage thanks to the diagnosis of problems that
                                                                      made Denmark realise that it is imperative to find
            can cause mental retardation in childhood. With the right
                                                                      solutions to reduce water wastage.
            education, these abilities can even be carried to higher
            dimensions. _______                                    B)  Leftover Danish food is recycled in biogas plants to
                                                                      produce renewable energy.
            A)  In other words, the skills that savants are excellent at
               often related to memory.                            C)  Denmark  has  some  of  the  most  effective  measures  to
                                                                      reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent climate
            B)  Furthermore, the condition affects men more than women   change.
               in a 6:1 ratio.
                                                                   D)  According to the Environmental Performance Index (EPI),
            C)  Similarly, it is due to a lack of motivation to develop such   Denmark is the most environmentally friendly country in
               skills.                                                2020.
            D)  On the contrary, it reminds us once again what a   E)  In order to slowly move to a zero-cost economy, Denmark
               mysterious organ our brain is.                         is making attempts to consider old things as more than
            E)  Thus, those special people can be brought into society.  just garbage.

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