P. 167

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                               Paragraph Completion-3

                                                               3.  Fairy tales are essential stories for children. These stories
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak   mean more than happy endings; they teach morality
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   lessons through the characters and values shown in them.
        1.  Golfers dispute whether golf is a sport among sportswriters   _______ Listening to these fantastic stories, therefore,
            and on golf courses. Proponents claim golf is a sport   teaches children a lot. Parents’ reading stories to their
            since it demands physical endurance and coordination   children strenghtens a special parent-child bond. Fairy
            and is recognised by sporting goods businesses, athletic   tales may take youngsters to a magical world, but the moral
            associations, fans, and the media. They point to golf’s   values of these stories linger in their hearts and minds as
            inclusion in the 2016 Olympics as proof of its status as a   they develop.
            sport. _______ The reason for this is that people who are   A)  When youngsters believe they must look like the characters
            overweight, injured, or non-athletic can play professionally.   in the stories, low self-esteem and body image problems
            They  say golf is a  leisure activity and that its 112-year   may occur.
            absence from the Olympics proves it.
                                                                   B)  Fairy tales or imaginary stories that may create unrealistic
            A)  Ice hockey goalies and players alike have the ability to stop   expectations in children hurt their vision of reality.
               shots.                                              C)  Stories not only capture young brains’ imaginations but also
            B)  Opponents claim that golf is much more of a ‘game’ than it   improve their creativity and thinking skills.
               is a ‘sport’.                                       D)  Children might be frustrated because they do not believe
            C)  To defend Scotland from the English, King James II    things that are not true.
               prohibited golf in 1457.                            E)  Most of these characters and themes can have a significant
            D)  Tiger Woods, the golfer, became the first athlete to earn a   impact on children, even causing nightmares.
               billion dollars.
            E)  Golf is one of many independent sports, such as running or

        2.  If you visit your local grocery, you will notice that the fruits
            and vegetables are all picture-perfect. This is due to the
            use of synthetic fertilisers. _______ However, inevitable
            consequences are currently being detected due to this
            use. The most visible negative effect of extended chemical   4.  When we meet someone, we form an opinion about them
            fertiliser use is a deterioration in soil quality. Fertilisers   based on our prior interactions with others sharing their
            increase soil nutrient levels but do nothing to replenish   personality type. _______ Definitely not! Prejudice can
            them. And finally, the soil exhausts all its nutrients after   creep  into  our  perceptions when we  generalise  about
            repeated cycles, leading to weakened soil and increased   circumstances or people. As a result, we run the risk of
            runoff.                                                missing out on valuable opportunities for personal and
                                                                   professional development. Approaching situations and
            A)  They provide the soil with the necessary nutrients to create   people with an open mind instead of a preconception is the
               crops with this appearance.                         best way to deal with them. The healing and refinement of
            B)  Biodynamic farming is more concerned with the future of the   the inner child process should be applied to remove the
               planet than conventional farming.                   emotional charge.
            C)  The agricultural business is one of the sectors that have
                                                                   A)  Do we always expect to have the same experience?
               profited from technological advancements.
                                                                   B)  Does it help us take our past interactions into consideration?
            D)  Many people still dismiss organic farming as a hobby
               designed to increase food sales at a higher price.  C)  Is it possible to make accurate evaluations of people?
                                                                   D)  Do our emotions affect our thoughts about new people?
            E)  Organic farming is used to help repair the damage caused
               by artificial fertilisers.                          E)  Is it really a good idea to make this generalisation?

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