P. 169

ENGLISH                                             3
                                               Paragraph Completion-3

                                                                 2018 YDT
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.               3.  _______ A baby was born with a small head caused by
                                                                   incomplete brain development. The mother likely caught
          2018 YDT                                                 the virus in Brazil. Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease
                                                                   Control  and  Prevention  have  advised  pregnant  women
        1.  Women are roughly twice as likely as men to suffer
            from stress-related psychiatric disorders, according to   against travel to countries affected by the Zika virus.
            epidemiological analyses. The big question has always   A)  It is foreseen that the US will have to face deaths caused
            been: Why? Some experts argue that cultural factors are   by the Zika virus in the near future.
            at least partly responsible. For instance, women may be
            more willing than men to seek help for mental illness,   B)  The first case of brain damage linked to the Zika virus on
            making their cases more likely to be counted. _______     the US soil has been reported in Hawaii.
            Scientists are uncovering telling differences in the ways   C)  The effects of the Zika virus have diminished dramatically
            that male and female brains react and adapt to stress.    in the recent years.
                                                                   D)  Brain damages caused by the Zika virus cannot be
            A)  But new evidence from research suggests that biology
               may also play an important role.                       treated for the time being.
                                                                   E)  Scientists have estimated that the Zika virus may spread
            B)  However, scientists have studied more males than
               females – even when investigating disorders.           across Europe besides the US.
            C)  Also, it is not only the stress-related disorders that are
               more prevalent among women than men.
            D)  Similarly, animal studies have revealed significant
               differences in stress responses.
            E)  In fact, research has linked uncontrolled stress to a wide
               range of mental health problems.

          2018 YDT                                               2019 YDT
        2.  The coffee tree is an evergreen. It grows in about 70   4.  A scientist at Japan’s Osaka University built a robot
            countries  that  offer  suitable  climates  and  altitudes.   for one purpose: to pretend to listen to you. When two
            _______ They are picked from the tree during harvest –   or more are placed together, they will simulate people
            they contain two seeds, which after processing become   having a conversation. If a human attempts to join in,
            coffee beans. The main commercially grown coffee       the robots will smile, nod, and respond to comments by
            tree species are Arabica and Robusta. While Robustas   saying things like “I see” or “interesting point”. They
            are high-yielding and resistant to pests and diseases,   will not actually understand what has been said, but will
            producing coffee cherries with rustic flavour, Arabicas   appear to. _______ But the motivation behind the robot
            are generally superior in flavour.                     was to try and model the subtle body language and polite
                                                                   niceties that are so important to conversation.
            A)  As  botanists  discover  new  species  with  interesting
               flavours, the family tree of coffee continues to grow.  A)  This is, of course, an entirely pointless achievement.
            B)  The  trees  are cultivated  with  care, and  grow  for  about   B)  Robots that seem more ‘human’ and less intimidating are
               3-5 years before they flower and produce fruit, known as   being built.
               coffee cherries.
                                                                   C)  Equally important for roboticists is an understanding of
            C)  The movement of hot and cold air influences how the   human psychology.
               coffee cherries mature and taste.
                                                                   D)  The team hope to make robots with more realistic
            D)  Many coffee varieties are genetically similar, but have   behaviours.
               acquired different regional or local names.
                                                                   E)  There must be a balance between the psychological and
            E)  The look and flavour of coffee are influenced by many   the scientific when building a robot.
               forces, such as soil, sun exposure and rainfall patterns.

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