P. 171

ENGLISH                                             3
                                               Paragraph Completion-3

                                                                   2021 YDT
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak   3.  Several studies have shown that dancing can help
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   to increase feelings of self-worth. In one 2007 study,
          2020 YDT                                                 researchers found that children aged between 11 and
        1.  The carbon cycle is the natural system that, ideally,   14 who took part in creative movement classes reported
            creates a balance between carbon emitters (such as     improved self-esteem, motivation, and more positive
            humans) and carbon absorbers (such as trees) so that   attitudes towards dance, as well as better physical
            the atmosphere does not contain an increasing amount   fitness. Dancing has also been shown to reduce feelings
            of carbon dioxide. It is a huge process that involves   of depression. _______ In a study, dancing characterised
            oceans, land, and air. _______ You can think of it almost   by relaxed, free-flowing movements helped to improve
            as the Earth breathing in and out.                     mood, whereas dancing in a physically contracted way
                                                                   had the opposite effect.
            A)  The exchange of carbon dioxide between the ocean and
               the air happens at the surface of the water.        A)  However, different dancing styles have had different
            B)  The seas’ ability to absorb carbon dioxide has long been   effects on people.
               known to scientists.                                B)  In fact, people are communicating with potential mates
            C)  The carbon cycle is called “in balance” when roughly the   when they dance.
               same amount of carbon that is being pumped into the air   C)  Just  five minutes of  freestyle  dancing  can increase
               is being sucked out by something else.                 creativity.
            D)  Given the important role that carbon dioxide plays in   D)  Therefore, dancers show improvements both in mood
               warming the Earth, you may be surprised by how little of   and problem-solving.
               it is in the atmosphere.                            E)  In addition, group dancing can increase a person’s
            E)  Carbon dioxide is composed of one carbon atom and two   threshold for pain.
               oxygen atoms, connected by double bonds.

                                                                 2021 YDT
                                                               4.  Technology is a powerful component of the modern world.
                                                                   Without technology, many of the most significant feats
          2020 YDT                                                 of the 20th century could not have been achieved, such
        2.  The creation of revolutionary products or practices has   as sending  people to  the Moon,  erecting skyscrapers,
            no timetable. Great minds give birth to innovations as   damming enormous rivers, and communicating with
            inspiration hits, necessity requires, or happenstance   friends around the world. _______ We use technology to
            would have it. _______ The Renaissance, for instance,   house,  clothe,  feed,  entertain,  and  transport  ourselves.
            was a period of great intellectual exploration, an era of   It is a crucial component of our work, play, education,
            innovation in arts, philosophy, medicine, engineering,   shopping, and travel.
            and science. Inventions of the Renaissance include the   A)  Our decisions about how to develop technology, and
            printing press and movable type. It was also at this time   when and where to use it, can make a great difference for
            that Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) drew the first plans   future economic, political, and social well-being.
            for a flying machine, a precursor to planes and jets that   B)  Not  only  does technology  shape  our  tools,  devices,
            would be devised and developed centuries later.
                                                                      buildings, and cars, but it also affects our values, ideas,
            A)  Human progress is now taking place at an unprecedented   and beliefs.
               pace.                                               C)  However, it is essential for all of us to realise that
            B)  Nevertheless, the history of the human race can       technology  can have  destructive  consequences  when
               conceivably be called the story of innovation.         misused.
            C)  However, there have been a number of specifically fruitful   D)  Though less often recognised, the most significant power
               periods of invention throughout history.               of technology is its assistance in so many aspects of our
            D)  Also, their other inventions go beyond basic human    everyday lives.
               needs to enhance human interaction.                 E)  In order to direct technology in the most beneficial ways,
            E)  Furthermore, the invention of the electric bulb is said to   we need to know more than science and engineering
               be a pure coincidence.                                 traditionally offer.

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