P. 172
2021 YDT 7. Researchers have recently learned more about the health
5. The line that separates one country from another is called and medical practices of the Byzantines, who lived
a border. Sometimes these follow a natural feature, such a thousand years ago. They have calculated that the
as a mountain range or a river. On other occasions they average life expectancy was 35–40 years by examining
follow a straight line, ignoring physical features. _______ the 177 skeletons that have been unearthed. _______
However, if there is a conflict, borders may be heavily However, how they were treated is not clear as the
guarded, and it is often difficult to move from one country Byzantines’ medical treatment procedures were various,
to another. including faith, magic, and rational medicine. All the
miraculous healing centres in the ancient city of today’s
A) The longest undefended border in the world runs between
İstanbul have been documented as evidence.
the US and Canada.
B) Politics can play an important role in the creation A) Byzantine physicians well organised and systematised
of borders, for example when one country seeks medical information into textbooks frequently, which are
independence from another. still in use today.
C) When countries are on friendly terms, borders can be B) From Roman times to the end of the Byzantine period,
little more than lines on a map, easily crossed. they studied the art and practice of healing in Byzantium.
D) Generally you can only cross the borders between C) It is possible to learn about Byzantine public health
countries if you have either a passport or the appropriate through studying medical documents and texts from this
paperwork. period.
E) While some countries, like Greenland, do not have D) Hospitals in the Byzantine era had their own libraries,
borders, other countries, like Switzerland, are surrounded lecture halls, and administrative areas.
by them. E) They have found calcifications in the bones, which may
have made life more challenging.
8. Virtual Reality (VR) technology is a computer-generated
environment with realistic-looking scenes and objects
that gives users the feeling of being immersed in their
surroundings. With the use of VR in medical education,
2021 YDT students experience every medical procedure first-hand,
6. The relationship between humans and dogs has been even if they are not present in the operating room. _______
in existence for over 10,000 years, and shows no signs Each virtual learning session can be led either by a tutor,
of weakening. But it is changing, as the traditional who is also connected to the app VR or by a virtual tutor
tasks that dogs perform have been supplemented by controlled by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm.
new roles. There is evidence that some children with In addition, VR solutions enhance and refine students’
autism-spectrum disorders benefit from the company of communication skills as they use AI to interact with virtual
a dog. Some such children form intense relationships patients. VR significantly improves the quality of medical
with animals, seemingly finding them easier to relate to. education while serving as a cost-effective way to train a
_______ Otherwise, children tend to ignore pets that were new generation of surgeons.
there when they were babies.
A) With increasing pressure on budgets and standardisation,
A) However, in order to be the most effective, the dog has to VR is emerging as a new method for delivering simulations.
be obtained when the child is old enough to interact with B) The future of VR lies in its continued integration into
it. curricula and in technological developments that enable
B) Getting a dog may not automatically make children shared simulated clinical experiences.
healthier, but you need to train it well for that. C) VR offers benefits to learners and educators by providing
C) In fact, dogs need to be able to read a child’s body cost-effective, repeatable, standardised clinical training on
language in order to get the best out of their interactive demand.
natures. D) Virtual reality technology is not yet perfect, but it is already
D) That’s why the capacity of pets to bring people together is being used to improve surgery, health worker training, and
made use of in many kinds of therapy. more.
E) It is not known precisely how this occurs, but a dog’s E) Students outside the operating room use a VR headset and
ability to detect minute changes in the child’s body must controller to step into an immersive virtual representation of
play a part. actual surgical procedures.