P. 173
4. With good planning and understanding of what makes
Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz. up a healthy and balanced vegan diet, you can get all the
nutrients your body needs.
1. UNICEF was founded in 1946 with the primary goal of
A) The first thing you can do is to make a sustainable plan
helping the many children and young people who had
for your body’s balance if you want to stay healthy while
hard times as a result of World War II.
following a vegan diet.
A) UNICEF was established in 1946 with the chief purpose
B) When you plan and learn what a healthy, balanced vegan
of assisting the majority of children and young people who diet is well, it is possible that you get the necessary
suffered from the effects of World War II.
nutrients for your body.
B) UNICEF was founded in 1946 to offer better educational
C) Planning and understanding a vegan diet thoroughly is
opportunities to children and the young who had suffered
the first step to keep being healthy besides getting all the
due to World War II.
nutrients your body needs.
C) In order to help children and the young all over the world, D) If you decide to maintain a healthy and balanced vegan
UNICEF was founded in 1946, just after World War II ended.
diet, make sure that you get all the nutrients your body
D) UNICEF was set up in 1946 as a result of World War II needs while following it.
and has since made significant contributions to the world’s
E) As following a vegan diet is based on good planning
and understanding, you should consult an expert before
E) When it was founded in 1946, UNICEF took a lot of steps applying it.
to improve the lives of children and the young who lost their
families during World War II.
2. It was about 5 o’clock when the police arrived, and the 5. Contrary to what is thought, it will not take much time for
burglars were still robbing the bank. me to paint this house.
A) The burglars almost finished the thievery when the police A) Everyone knows that it will not take much time for me to
got there at around 5 o’clock. paint this house.
B) The burglary was almost over at 5 o’clock when the police B) Everyone expects me to paint this house in time.
finally got there. C) Contrary to expectations, painting this house will not take
C) By the time the police reached there at around 5 o’clock, me a long time.
the thieves had not finished the robbery. D) It will take too much time for me to paint this house.
D) The police arrived shortly after 5 o’clock to find the burglar E) While painting this house, I expect people to help me.
still robbing the bank.
E) The burglars had already started robbing the bank when
the police arrived at 5 o’clock.
3. It is expected that the interview results will be announced 6. It is constantly said that a different British accent is spoken
by the committee within the next few days. in England every 40 kilometres.
A) The results of the interview that a committee has done will A) It is thought that every 40 kilometres in England, a difficult
surely be announced a few days later. British accent is spoken.
B) It is clear that the interview conducted by the committee B) It is often stated that people speak a different British accent
will end within a few days. in England every 40 kilometres.
C) The interview results will unlikely be announced by the C) A different British accent is thought to be known every 40
committee for the next few days. kilometres.
D) The committee will probably announce the interview D) It is said that every 40 kilometres in England, people use a
results in the next few days. different language.
E) It has been announced by the committee that the interviews E) The accent is difficult in England because it differs every
will last at least a few days. 40 kilometres.