P. 176
5. Playing chess makes a significant positive contribution 7. Nutrition is a behaviour that should be done consciously
to mathematics and non-verbal cognitive skills and to take the nutrients needed by the body in sufficient
accelerates the development of the individual’s quantities and at the appropriate times in order to protect
mathematical intelligence. and develop health and improve the quality of life.
A) With its contributions to mathematics and non-verbal A) In order to protect and improve our health and increase
cognitive skills as well as mathematical intelligence, our quality of life, we must eat to get the nutrients our body
playing chess makes children positive. needs in sufficient quantities and at appropriate times.
B) Chess has a strong favourable impact on mathematics B) Nutrition is a deliberate action that consists of consuming
and non-verbal cognitive skills, as well as speeding up the the nutrients required by the body in order to protect and
development of mathematical intelligence. improve one’s health and quality of life.
C) A significant positive contribution to mathematics C) Consciously, the behaviour that needs to be done in order
and non-verbal cognitive skills are accelerated by to take the nutrients that the body needs in order to protect
the development of the individual’s mathematical and improve health and the quality of life is called nutrition.
D) Nutrition is a conscious activity that involves consuming
D) When an individual plays chess, less development of the the nutrients required by the body in sufficient quantities
individual’s mathematical intelligence and unfavourable and at the proper times in order to maintain and improve
impact on the individual’s mathematical intelligence can be health and quality of life.
E) We consciously want to protect our health and increase
E) While playing chess, you can feel the considerable positive our quality of life in order to get the nutrients needed by the
impact on mathematical intelligence and non-verbal body in sufficient quantities and at appropriate times; this
intellectual functioning. is called nutrition.
8. The concept of animal rights means that animals are not
6. Perseverance, which is supposed to stay on Mars for a
objects that can be used for human purposes but should
long time, will collect soil samples; in this way, scientists
be treated as individuals with their own wants and needs.
will have the opportunity to closely examine the soil of
Mars. A) According to the animal rights concept, animals should be
A) Perseverance, which is expected to spend a long time on regarded as persons with their own desires and needs.
Mars, will collect soil samples, thus allowing scientists to B) Animals should be treated as individuals with their own
investigate the Martian soil in greater detail. wants and needs rather than as objects to be utilised for
B) Although it is planned to stay on Mars for a long time, human reasons.
Perseverance will leave Mars after collecting soil samples; C) Animal rights concept means that animals should be
in this way, scientists will examine the soil of Mars closely. treated as individuals with their own wants and needs
C) Perseverance, sent to Mars to closely examine the Martian rather than as objects to be utilised for human reasons.
soil, is expected to collect soil samples which will be D) We should behave as individuals to the animals instead
studied by the scientists. of behaving as objects according to the animal rights
D) To have the opportunity to examine the Martian soil closely,
the scientists allowed Perseverance to collect soil samples E) Animal rights concepts mean behaving animals as
and stay on Mars for an extended period of time. individuals with their own wants and needs.
E) Perseverance, which is scheduled to stay on Mars for
an extended period of time, is tasked with collecting soil
samples so that scientists have the opportunity to examine
the Martian soil closely.