P. 180

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        7.  Empathy  is  crucial  in  reducing  aggressive  behaviour,   10.  The main mission of the project is to alter the fundamental
            which is one of the most important steps to build a happier   human understanding  of nature by giving animals an
            society.                                               opportunity to communicate with us.

            A)  Creating a happier society without empathy will be difficult   A)  The project mainly aims to change how people regard
               as hostile behaviours cannot be decreased.             nature after animals are given a chance to talk to us.
            B)  In order to make a happier community, empathy has one of   B)  If animals are allowed to converse with us, the basic
               the most important roles with great necessity in decreasing   human perception of nature is going to change.
               aggressive behaviour.
                                                                   C)  The way people regard nature is supposed to change
            C)  Empathy, which helps to reduce hostile behaviours, is   when we give animals a chance to communicate with us.
               extremely important in order to build a happier society.
                                                                   D)  It was primarily aimed to change human perception of
            D)  Hostile behaviours that cause unhappiness can be reduced   nature by making animals talk to us.
               through empathy, which is a very important step.
                                                                   E)  Changing the basic human perception of nature by giving
            E)  Empathy, which is a prerequisite for a happier society,   animals a chance to converse with us is the project’s main
               occurs with the reduction of hostile behaviours.       task.

        8.  Given the history of humans, the existence of a settled life   11.  Children with obesity may not eat more than their peers, but
            began on a day that can be considered almost yesterday.  they spend less energy, and their low energy consumption
                                                                   is one of the risk factors for weight gain.
            A)  The transition of people to settled life took place very
               recently, so we can say it was just like yesterday.  A)  If the obese children do not eat more and gain weight, it
                                                                      means that they do not move enough.
            B)  The date when people settled down in the history of
               humankind was not too far off.                      B)  Doing sport is the most important thing not to be obese
                                                                      because spending less energy means gaining more
            C)  People settled down such a short time ago that it can be
               regarded as almost yesterday.                          weight.
                                                                   C)  Obese children may not eat more than their friends but still
            D)  Considering the date when people settled down, it can be
               called new as it was yesterday.                        gain weight owing to the fact that they spend less energy.
                                                                   D)  Obese children may not consume more calories than their
            E)  Regarding the history of humanity, the existence of a
                                                                      friends, but they consume less energy, which is one of the
               settled life began on a day as if it had happened nearly
                                                                      risk factors for weight increase.
                                                                   E)  Low  energy  consumption  is  more  important  than  eating
                                                                      much for gaining weight.

        9.  As well as supplying the body with oxygen, breathing   12. Not knowing that Jeff had fallen and broken his leg, Oliver
            serves another practical purpose; it allows us to make   continued hiking without pausing in the forest.
                                                                   A)  Oliver went on walking in the forest without a break
            A)  Breathing has another useful purpose besides delivering   although he knew that Jeff had fallen and broken his leg.
               oxygen to the body, enabling us to generate noises.
                                                                   B)  Because Oliver kept walking in the jungle with no pause,
            B)  Providing the body with oxygen, breathing makes it    he was unaware that Jeff had fallen and broken his leg.
               possible for us to make noises in a practical way.
                                                                   C)  Contrary to Jeff, who had fallen and broken his leg, Oliver
            C)  Aside from allowing us to generate noises, breathing   continued walking in the forest non-stop.
               supplies the body with oxygen, which is a really crucial
                                                                   D)  Oliver kept hiking without giving a break in the forest,
                                                                      unaware that Jeff had fallen and broken his leg.
            D)  The mere reason behind our ability to produce sounds is   E)  Oliver not only kept walking in the forest without giving a
               breathing, which also supplies the body with oxygen.
                                                                      pause but also did not know that Jeff had fallen and broken
            E)  The process of inhaling and exhaling has only two     his leg.
               functions; providing the body with an oxygen supply and
               helping us make sounds.

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