P. 181

ENGLISH                                             2 ND

                                                               3.  The lack of a common language may be an obstacle for
           Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.       travellers, students, or governors to communicate and
                                                                   could hinder the progress of what they do.
        1.  The  Golden  Gate  Bridge  uses  the  largest  bridge  cables   A)  A common language is necessary for travellers, students,
            ever made, long enough to encircle the world more than 3   or governors while they are working.
            times at the equator.
                                                                   B)  If a common language is not spoken among travellers,
            A)  Compared to others, the Golden Gate Bridge is the biggest   students, or governors, they do not want to work at all.
               bridge ever made with its cables 3 times longer than the
                                                                   C)  Travellers, students, and governors may be unable to
                                                                      communicate due to a lack of common language, which
            B)  As its cables are 3 times longer than equator, the Golden   may impede their development.
               Gate Bridge is the biggest bridge ever constructed.
                                                                   D)  Language is a common problem among travellers,
            C)  With the cables in excess of 3 times at the equator, the   students, or governors when they go abroad.
               Golden Gate Bridge is the longest bridge in the world.
                                                                   E)  The most common problem in communication can be
            D)  The length of its cables, 3 times longer than equator,   language, whether it is a traveller, a student, or a governor.
               makes the Golden Gate Bridge the longest one in the
               history of world.
            E)  The Golden Gate Bridge utilises the biggest extension
               links made at any time, sufficiently long to surround the
               world in excess of 3 times at the equator.

        2.  According to most psychologists, our personalities are   4.  Edison’s first major invention, the foil phonograph, caused
            just like teeth; they are stable on a daily basis but can   a sensation and brought him international fame as it was
            shift over time.                                       the first machine to record and reproduce sound.
            A)  Psychologists think that our personalities are similar to our   A)  Due to being the first machine to record and reproduce
               teeth in that most of the time, they are stable; however,   sound, the foil phonograph, which was the first major
               they can change as we grow up.                         invention of Edison, caused him to be notorious abroad as

            B)  To some psychologists, our personalities are very stable   it caused confusion.
               from day to day, but they can change in time, like our teeth.  B)  The foil phonograph is the first major invention of Edison,
            C)  What all psychologists think is that our personalities are   which resulted in a sensation and made him worldwide
               similar to teeth, for they are stable from day to day, but it   famous since it was the first mechanism to record and
               takes years for them to shift.                         reproduce sound.
            D)  Most psychologists think that our personalities are similar   C)  When Edison invented the foil phonograph, sensation and
               to teeth; though they’re stable from day to day, they can   fame followed his success because the machine was able
               change through the years.                              to record and reproduce sound on his first try.
            E)  As stated by most psychologists, neither our personalities   D)  Besides being Edison’s first major invention, the foil
               nor our teeth are stable day to day, and they can change   phonograph made him famous around the world
               over a long period of time.                            sensationally thanks to the machine’s recordings and
                                                                      reproduction of sound.
                                                                   E)  The foil phonograph is not only the first major invention of
                                                                      Edison but also the most famous machine all around the
                                                                      world with its first recordings and reproductions of sound.

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