P. 186
5. As the bulk of its atmosphere is made of carbon dioxide, 7. To be included on the World Heritage List, sites must not
an extreme greenhouse effect is warming the surface of only be of outstanding universal value but also meet at least
Venus. one of UNESCO’s ten selection criteria.
A) The problem is that increase in the greenhouse effect owing A) Only sites that have outstanding universal value and fulfil
to high levels of carbon dioxide is likely to change Venus’ at least one out of UNESCO’s ten selection criteria are
atmosphere. inscribed on the World Heritage List.
B) The atmosphere of Venus is mostly composed of carbon B) The main criterion for the inclusion of a property on the
dioxide, so it has a very strong greenhouse effect that is World Heritage List by UNESCO is its outstanding universal
warming the planet’s surface. value.
C) The atmosphere of Venus warms due to rising levels of C) Sites cannot apply to the UNESCO World Heritage List
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide on its surface. unless they fulfil the criterion of having outstanding universal
D) The more carbon dioxide a planet consists of, the more
greenhouse effect it enhances, like on the surface of Venus. D) Any site with a universal value has to meet UNESCO’s ten
selection criteria to be included in the World Heritage List.
E) A stronger greenhouse effect will probably warm the planet
Venus because of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse E) Even if a site does not fulfil at least one out of UNESCO’s
gas. ten selection criteria, it must be inscribed on the World
Heritage List if it has outstanding universal value.
8. Since the cold causes the nerve transmissions making
muscles move to slow down, specially designed clothes for
winter sports are required to keep the body temperature at
6. A new study shows that people who drink one to two the desired value.
cups of coffee a day are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s
A) People who play winter sports need unique clothes to
disease compared with those who do not.
maintain their body temperature because the cold transmits
A) A new study has found that people who consume at least the nerve that makes muscles move slowly.
one cup of coffee a day have almost no risk of developing
B) For winter sports, keeping the body warm is provided with
Alzheimer’s disease when compared to non-drinkers.
specially designed protective clothing since the cold slows
B) According to new research, increasing coffee intake to at the nerve signals that control muscle movement.
least two cups each day may benefit people with Alzheimer’s
C) Due to the fact that the cold leads the nerve signals that
disease compared with those who do not.
control muscle movement to slow down, specifically tailored
C) A recent study has revealed that drinking higher amounts of winter sports clothing is essential to maintain the desired
coffee could reduce people’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s body temperature.
D) Being essential to maintain the proper body temperature,
D) A new study suggests that regular but moderate coffee sports clothing is specially designed; nevertheless, the cold
consumption may be tied to a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s causes the slowing of the nerve transmissions to move.
E) Because the cold leads nerve signals that control muscle
E) A current study suggests that people consuming one or movement to slow down, specifically tailored winter sports
two cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of contracting clothing has been used essentially to maintain the desired
Alzheimer’s disease than those who do not. body temperature.