P. 188

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  Artificial sweeteners are perceived as ideal for weight loss;   7.  Though the Titanic had received five warnings from nearby
            however, it has been found that they can increase appetite,   ships, multiple mistakes and miscalculations led her to sink
            especially in women and the obese.                     more than a century ago.
            A)  Artificial sweeteners have been found to increase appetite   A)  Many mistakes and misunderstandings contributed to the
               only in women and overweight people; in fact, they are   Titanic’s sinking more than a century ago, no matter how
               considered to be optimum for losing weight.            many warnings the ship had received from other ships in her
            B)  Thought as the best for weight loss, artificial sweeteners,   vicinity.
               indeed, may cause increased appetite, exclusively in   B)  Even though the Titanic had got five warnings from
               women and the overweight.                              surrounding ships, it sank more than a century ago due to a
            C)  Although artificial sweeteners are believed to be perfect for   series of errors and miscalculations.
               losing weight, it has been discovered that they can trigger   C)  Although the Titanic had received five more warnings from
               hunger, particularly in women and the obese.           other ships in her vicinity, she was not considered to be in
            D)  It has been found that artificial sweeteners could help lose   danger of colliding with a massive iceberg.
               weight, but, especially in women and the overweight, they   D)  Despite  receiving  five  lifeboats  from  nearby  vessels,  the
               can increase appetite as well.                         Titanic sank more than a century ago due to a series of
            E)  According to the recent findings, artificial sweeteners are   errors and miscalculations.
               supposed to be perfect for losing weight; nevertheless, they   E)  Though warned five times about the ice fields, the captain of
               might somewhat increase women’s and the obese people’s   the Titanic continued to steam at full speed until she struck
               appetites.                                             an iceberg more than a century ago.

        6.  Traditional media requires specific resources to share
            content, but social media is extremely inexpensive to
            publish or reach information, enabling everyone to access   8.  Scientists point out that the rapid progress in deforestation
            it.                                                    is also the main reason for the spread of diseases
                                                                   transmitted from animals to humans, such as the new
            A)  Unlike traditional media, where publishing information costs
               a lot of money, social media makes it possible for anybody
               to produce or access information.                   A)  According to scientists, increased deforestation is also
            B)  Just like conventional media, which needs certain resources   largely responsible for the spread of diseases passed from
               to disseminate information, social media is incredibly cost-  animals to humans, such as the novel coronavirus.
               effective to post or access information, making it available to   B)  In addition to deforestation, the spread of diseases passed
               anyone.                                                from animals to humans, such as the novel coronavirus, can
            C)  Social media is incredibly cost-effective to post or    be attributed to this trend.
               access information, making it available to anyone, while   C)  Scientists say if deforestation had not existed, diseases
               conventional media needs certain resources to disseminate   passed from animals to humans, such as the novel
               information.                                           coronavirus, would not have caused any harm to people.
            D)  Social media is expected to be highly cost-efficient for   D)  The quick growth in deforestation is a global factor in the
               posting and accessing information as traditional media   spread of diseases like coronavirus, passed from animals to
               requires particular resources to spread information.   humans, according to scientists.
            E)  The publication and dissemination of information using   E)  Scientists claim that diseases like coronavirus, which are
               both conventional and social media are relatively cheap, so   transmitted from animal to human, may be a result of the
               anybody may create or access information for free.     high pace at which deforestation is progressing.

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