P. 191

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                                 2020 YDT
           Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               3.  Because industrialised countries have been the primary
                                                                   greenhouse gas emitters, they should play a role in helping
          2020 YDT                                                 the world shift to renewable energy sources.
        1.  As well as spoken language, we use body language to pass
            on a multitude of messages about our moods and intentions.  A)  In order to help the world move to renewable energy sources,
                                                                      industrialised  countries  should  stop  releasing  greenhouse
            A)  A good amount of information about our moods and      gases into the atmosphere.
               intentions is passed on to other people using either body
                                                                   B)  It is the duty of industrialised countries to move to renewable
               language or spoken language.
                                                                      energy sources as they are the world’s major contributors to
            B)  Spoken language is not the only means to convey a large   the production of greenhouse gases.
               number of messages regarding our moods and intentions,
                                                                   C)  Although industrialised countries give out greenhouse gases
               we also make use of body language.
                                                                      into the atmosphere, they need to help the world to start
            C)  Plenty of messages concerning our moods and intentions   using renewable energy sources.
               are conveyed using spoken language rather than body
                                                                   D)  The reason why industrialised countries should help the
                                                                      world to turn to renewable energy sources is that they have
            D)  We  utilise either body  language or  spoken  language  to   been largely responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.
               convey some messages related to our moods and intentions.
                                                                   E)  Not only industrialised countries, which release greenhouse
            E)  Both body language and spoken language have to be used   gases into the atmosphere, the other countries of the world
               together to effectively convey messages with regard to our   also need to shift to renewable energy sources.
               moods and intentions.

          2020 YDT                                               2021 YDT
        2.  The learning of culture is an integral part of language   4.  Because mammals are warm-blooded, they are able to keep
            education because culture dramatically influences how   their body at roughly the same temperature no matter what
            people speak in everyday interaction.                  the surrounding temperature is.
            A)  Everyday interaction seems to be affected by culture to a   A)  The surrounding temperature does not prevent mammals
               great extent, which, in turn, affects how culture is taught in   from maintaining their body temperature at more or less the
               language education.                                    same level if they are warm-blooded.
            B)  Language education, where the way people of a certain   B)  Even if the outside temperature changes slightly, it does not
               culture speak in their routine activities is taught, significantly   affect mammals’ ability to keep their body at approximately
               contributes to the learning of culture.                the same temperature because they are warm-blooded.
            C)  Culture largely determines the norms of speaking in   C)  Irrespective of the surrounding temperature, warm-blooded
               everyday interaction, so the learning of culture is perhaps   mammals will continue to maintain their body temperature at
               the most important aspect of language education.       a constant level.
            D)  Given that culture substantially affects the way people speak   D)  If mammals were not warm-blooded, they would not keep
               in  daily  communication, the learning  of culture cannot  be   their body temperature at exactly the same level despite the
               separated from language education.                     changes in the surrounding temperature.
            E)  Learning a language means learning the culture of that   E)  Regardless of the surrounding temperature, mammals
               language;  that  is,  language  education  also  helps  people   manage to maintain their body at approximately the same
               speak in a particular language according to cultural norms.  temperature since they are warm-blooded.

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