P. 196

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  You and your friend decided to meet in front of a famous   7.  You are working for a voluntary organisation, and you
            cafe to go to the movies a few days ago. Today, although   have been invited to its annual meeting by the general
            you arrive on time, he is not there.  When you are tired of   director. However, you are extremely busy nowadays,
            waiting for him for minutes, he finally shows up. This is   and it is impossible for you to join the event. He insists
            not the first time he has been late and you know that it   on your taking part in the event. Completely furious by
            will not be the last. Stating the action you will take in case   his remarks, you refuse him by saying: _______
            of a possible delay next time, you say: _______
                                                                   A)  Could you please talk politely; or else, I may break your
            A)  I’m really fed up with waiting for you over and over. The   heart with my remarks.
               next time we meet, if you’re not there on time, you won’t
                                                                   B)  Sorry, but this is a voluntary organisation, and I do not
               find me there when you arrive.
                                                                      want to join it.
            B)  For once, I would like to see how punctual you are, but
                                                                   C)  I’ve tried to warn you, but you haven’t understood my
               I know that will never happen. So, it’s better if we do not
                                                                      reaction to such kinds of organisations.
               see each other any more.
                                                                   D)  Although I am very angry with you, I won’t say anything
            C)  Like every time we meet, you’re late again, and you do
                                                                      about this. Could you please leave me alone?
               not even care to apologise. Don’t you think we need to
                                                                   E)  You’re so rude and disrespectful! Why do you keep
               find a solution to this?
                                                                      insisting? I have lots of things to do, so I can’t attend.
            D)  I am aware that it is almost impossible not to be late in a
               city with such heavy traffic. It is not a big deal for me that
               you are late again.
            E)  The fact that you’re always late for our meetings shows
               that you do not care about me. There is no point in
               maintaining such a one-sided friendship.

        6.  Your cousin has just taken up ice skating and she seems   8.  You are working on a project and about to finish it earlier
            as if she is not going to learn it no matter what she does.   than expected, but somehow you lose your concentration
            However, she is overly confident about her progress up   and do not want to further your work. You want to explain
            to now. While she is talking about her improvement at one   your current mood to your best friend. He does not
            of your family gatherings, some of your family members   seem interested in your situation, though. So, you say
            start demotivating. You feel that she may give up her new   disappointedly:  _______
            hobby, and you want to encourage her not to quit. So,
                                                                   A)  I have always trusted you, yet you do not even listen to
            you say:  _______
                                                                      me when I am in such a psychological condition, which I
            A)  This is totally rubbish. You have been taking courses for   wouldn’t expect from you.
               three weeks and you have not developed enough, have
                                                                   B)  Nobody can change the truth that you are my best friend,
                                                                      and you will be forever no matter what you do to me.
            B)  I guess you need more lessons so as not to be mocked.
                                                                   C)  Your seeming not interested in my situation does not
            C)  What you believe is more important than what others say;   make me get away from you; you are my best friend and
               that’s why, I advise you not to give in.               I love that.
            D)  This is just the beginning; I hope you will do well in the   D)  What I feel now is a deep sadness about your mood these
               upcoming days if you change your skates.               days; I hope you will get well soon with my help.
            E)  I am really happy to hear that you have found a hobby   E)  Though you do not need anyone to find a solution to your
               you love much; I would not expect that.                current health situation, I am always here to listen to you.

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