P. 197
3. The repairman fixes your washing machine without
Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. informing you of the fee he will charge for the service.
The amount he wants you to pay is much higher than you
2019 YDT
expected. You want to pay less because the repair is a
1. Your friends have invited you to a concert; however, you simple process, but he does not agree. As a lawyer, you
have already made plans with your grandmother to go know that by law he is required to notify you of the repair
shopping for an upcoming special occasion. So, you fee in advance. With a reference to the law, you refuse to
tactfully decline their offer by saying: _______ pay. So, you say: _______
A) Sure, as soon as I finish shopping with my grandmother, A) According to the consumer protection law, you can’t
I’ll be at the concert hall. See you all there! charge that much money for such a simple repair.
B) Thanks for the invitation guys, but I’ve promised my Therefore, I refuse to pay the money you asked for.
grandma that I’d help out with some shopping as we have B) The amount that I have to pay for the repair you have
a party coming up. done is already specified by the law, so there is no
C) I’d rather spend the day with my grandmother shopping problem for me in paying the amount you specified.
than go see a concert with you. It just does not sound fun C) I will not pay the amount you requested because you must
to me. notify the customer of the cost beforehand, according to
D) I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. I’ve promised my grandma that the law; or else, he does not have to pay the amount you
we’d hang out together and then see a concert. ask for after the repair.
E) I can’t believe my favourite singer is in town. Can I also D) I won’t pay the amount you ask for such a simple repair
bring my grandma to the concert? because what you’re doing is completely fraud. I will sue
you for this.
E) According to the consumer protection law, even if you
have informed me of the cost of the work to be done, I will
not pay you this money because I did not accept the work
to be done.
2021 YDT
2. You have just started working at a small successful 4. After years of hesitation about writing a novel, a friend of
company. One day, your brother calls and asks you to yours has finally published his first book and sent you a
buy him a new mobile. However, with utilities, rent, and copy asking you to tell him your opinion. Once you read
other expenses, you are on a strict budget. So you have it, you are of the opinion that the book is full of fictional
to decline for now: _______ errors. You want to express your dissatisfaction with his
book without offending him. Besides, you still want to
A) I’m sorry but money is a bit tight at the moment. I promise
encourage him, so you say: _______
I’ll get you one as soon as things start to look up.
A) You were born to be a writer. You should have written this
B) It all depends on the model you want. I won’t get you an
book many years ago.
expensive one if you’re just going to change it in a couple
of months. B) Frankly speaking, it’s not the best book I’ve ever read, but
C) Since we live together and share the expenses, you I believe your next book will be much better.
should be aware that we can’t afford a new mobile now. C) You are one of the most talented authors I have ever met.
D) If you cannot bear the expense of a new mobile yourself, You can be a candidate for the Nobel Prize next year.
I suggest you work harder and get a high-paying job like D) Your book is a waste of time for readers. I threw it into the
mine. trash as soon as I finished reading the first page.
E) I do not have much money right now, but I’ll call our E) I advise you to read your next book again and again
parents and ask them to buy you a new mobile. before publishing it because this one is full of errors.