P. 193
3. You go to a restaurant for dinner with your colleagues.
Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. After a nice dinner and chat, you ask for the check and
when you look at the bill, you see some extra things. So
1. You and your brother are getting ready for a conference. you call the waiter and explain the situation by saying:
Your brother is rather impatient and tells you to hurry for _______
fear that you may be late. As you know, you really do not A) Are you out of your mind? I can buy a new car with that
need to be punctual since such conferences tend to start amount of money.
a bit later than arranged, you say: _______
B) I’ve never had such delicious dishes; I want to congratulate
A) Oh, we won’t be late. You know how these affairs are. the chef in person.
They never start on time.
C) There must be a mistake. I’m pretty sure that none of us
B) I am hurrying as fast as I can. Now leave me alone while ate those things.
I am getting ready.
D) You must be trying something new with the billing
C) Well, the first session is not very interesting, so we might procedures, I guess.
as well skip it.
E) I do not want to waste money on having dinner at such a
D) Maybe we should take a taxi to the conference hall so as luxury restaurant.
not to be late.
E) Do not worry. Our absence will not be noticed until we get
2. While walking on a busy street in your neighbourhood, 4. One of your patients is seriously ill and really ought to be
you see children riding bikes without helmets. You find in hospital, but his family wants to keep him at home. You
the situation very unsafe because the traffic on the street agree, but before leaving the house, you say: _______
is heavy. So, you warn them politely by giving a reason:
A) Should his condition change noticeably, be sure to call
me at once.
A) Given that you do not wear a helmet while cycling, it B) He’s improving nicely. I’ll call again when I’m in the
seems like you do not know the traffic rules. You should neighbourhood.
have got training on this subject beforehand.
C) Cases of this sort do not require constant medical
B) It is impossible to understand your ignorance. You know
the consequences of not wearing a helmet while cycling
D) Basically, he has a sound constitution, so do not worry.
on a street with such heavy traffic, but you still insist on
not wearing a helmet. E) He ought to be well enough to get up a little tomorrow.
C) I wish your parents had taught you how important it is
to wear a helmet. Since you do not wear a helmet while
cycling in such traffic, it’s obvious that they should be
taught, too.
D) Wouldn’t it be safer to wear your helmets especially while
cycling on such a street with heavy traffic? It’s vital since
a helmet protects your head in the event of an accident.
E) Of course, it would be better if you were wearing a helmet
on such a busy street, but I understand that you do not
wear it because the weather is too hot.