P. 195

ENGLISH                                           2 ND

                                                               3.  One of your friends has been learning English
           Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.      enthusiastically for a while. Now that she thinks her
                                                                   English is good enough to travel alone, she is organising
        1.  As the public relations director of a clothing company   her own trip instead of going on a guided tour. However,
            you are concerned about the recent drop in sales and feel   in your opinion, her English is still insufficient, and
            this is partly due to the quality of the clothes, but mostly   you worry that she may have problems there. While
            to inadequate advertising. At the board meeting, you   expressing your worry, you recommend her take an
            want to draw attention to the seriousness of the situation   organised tour, but you do not want to dampen her
            and insist that a new and dynamic advertising campaign   enthusiasm for English. So, you say: _______
            must be launched to boost sales. You say: _______
                                                                   A)  You think your English is sufficient, but it’s still very poor.
            A)  I’m hoping that the drop in sales will be easily remedied   Until you learn it fully, you need to travel abroad by taking
               by an increase in advertising.                         a tour.
            B)  I would like to point out to you all that the recent drop   B)  Why don’t you join a guided tour, maybe for the last time
               in sales is likely to be of short duration; therefore, the   in order not to have difficulty in expressing yourself in a
               present level of advertising can continue.             detailed way in any situation?
            C)  Obviously, the poor quality of our clothes is at fault, so we   C)  Your English level is pretty good for a solo trip abroad, but
               need to improve our production methods.                I think it would be more affordable and easier for you to
            D)  The drop in sales is certainly discouraging, so let’s   buy a package tour instead of arranging the tour yourself.
               allocate more money for further advertising.        D)  I  think  your  English  is  really  good,  but  wouldn’t  it  be

            E)  To my mind, the company’s performance in sales is     boring to go on a tour alone? If I were you, I would go on
               most disquieting and a vast advertising drive is urgently   a guided tour.
               required.                                           E)  You still have a long way to go when it comes to language.
                                                                      You can’t travel to England alone with that little English.
                                                                      You should take a guided tour.

        2.  You wait in a queue to pay for the products at a   4.  One of your relatives wants to borrow your car for the
            supermarket, and there are some people before you.     weekend because his car has broken down. You do not
            While you are waiting, a stranger comes greeting one   want to lend it as you know that he has been involved in
            of the customers before you in order to push in in front   many accidents by violating traffic rules before. You want
            of you. So realising that, you warn him politely: _______  to reject his request by giving a reasonable excuse, so
                                                                   you say: _______
            A)  Sir, I think you haven’t realised, but the end of the queue
               is over there.                                      A)  Do not worry. You can borrow it anytime you need it. Here
            B)  I’d do anything to be at the head of the queue right now.  is the key.
                                                                   B)  I’m sorry, I can’t because my car’s insurance has just
            C)  It drives me really crazy when someone jumps the queue
                                                                      expired, so it would be risky both for you and me to drive
               like that.
                                                                      it until the insurance is renewed.
            D)  How about joining the queue like a civilised person?
                                                                   C)  On the condition that you promise not to speed and obey
            E)  I do not think jumping the queue is a smart move for you.
                                                                      the traffic rules, I can lend it to you for a week as you like.
                                                                   D)  I wish I could, but I’m not crazy enough to lend my car to
                                                                      someone who has had so many accidents.
                                                                   E)  I do not have gas in my car’s tank, it is all empty now, but
                                                                      why not if you fuel the car up?

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