P. 199

ENGLISH                                            1 ST

                                                               3.  Your upstairs neighbour has guests, and they are playing
           Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.      loud music. You are studying for the next day’s chemistry
                                                                   test. You cannot concentrate on the lesson because of
                                                                   the noise they make, so you go upstairs and say kindly:
        1.  Your friend’s daughter wants to study music at the
            conservatory. He is worried that she will become one of   _______
            the university graduates who seeks a job to make a living   A)  I have an exam tomorrow, but I really like the music you
            for a long time, so he wants to deter her from her decision.   play on; can I join you?
            Upon hearing that, you are quite shocked because you
            think she is very talented. You feel you ought to change   B)  Excuse me, I am your neighbour, and I would like to join
            his mind to let her daughter pursue her dreams: _______   your party.
                                                                   C)  I am your downstairs neighbour, and it is too late to listen
            A)  Well, studying music means no opportunities for jobs that   to music; I can’t sleep.
               provide high salaries and good conditions.
                                                                   D)  What a rude person you are! Stop the music immediately!
            B)  I highly recommend you encourage her to follow her
                                                                   E)  I’m downstairs studying for my exam tomorrow. Could
               dreams because she is a gifted one.
                                                                      you please turn down the volume a little?
            C)  If I were you, I would convince her to study anything apart
               from music however talented she is.
            D)  She can take it up as a hobby while studying something
               that won’t be so pointless.                     4.  A friend of yours is going on vacation for a week and
                                                                   asks you to care for his pet iguana. Since the iguana is
            E)  To be frank, she is not qualified enough for fine arts and
                                                                   not a very common pet, he worries that you will reject
               needs to improve her skills.
                                                                   him. Reassuring him that you love all kinds of animals,
                                                                   you say: _______
                                                                   A)  I’ve just heard that iguanas are kept at home; isn’t it hard?
                                                                   B)  I have some hesitations about looking after pets at home,
                                                                      so I would like to state that I cannot help you.
                                                                   C)  I’m very good with all animals. Do not worry, I’ll be happy
                                                                      to take care of it while you are away.

                                                                   D)  I regret to say that I am terribly afraid of iguanas.
                                                                   E)  If you have a pet, you should either take it on vacation
        2.  You are meeting a friend in London and want to choose
                                                                      with you, or you shouldn’t go on vacation at all.
            a suitable meeting place. As your friend does not know
            London well, you need to fix a meeting place she’ll be
            able to find easily. And because the weather is cold, you
            want it to be indoors. After a moment’s thought, you say:
            A)  The easiest way to get to anywhere in London is to take   5.  A friend of yours has a thesis presentation tomorrow
               the underground. The stations are all clearly labelled.  he’s been working on for a long time. He is very excited
                                                                   and afraid that he will not be able to make it. You try to
            B)  The  best  and  easiest  place  where  we  can  meet  is  the
               British Museum, which is not difficult to find.     comfort and encourage him by saying: _______
            C)  What would you like us to do? We could look round a   A)  You have a good command of the subject, and no doubt
               museum if you’d like to, or go for a walk in Hyde Park.  it is a piece of cake for you.
            D)  There are special buses in London that take you on a tour   B)  Although you have been working on this thesis for a long
               of the city. Let’s get on one of those.                time, your excitement will lead you to failure.
            E)  It’s not easy to meet someone in any of the big stores.   C)  Thesis presentation is a crucial factor in arguing your
               They really are huge, and they keep moving the         case in the thesis.
               departments around.                                 D)  I’d like to say something to comfort you, but I do not think
                                                                      you’re working hard enough.
                                                                   E)  It is a really difficult task to make a thesis presentation in
                                                                      front of the professors watching you.

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