P. 201
3. You try hard to dissuade your sister from watching a
Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. film which you have read so many bad reviews about.
However, you could not convince her, and she goes to
1. You hear on the news that the stock prices of the cinema to see it. Now, she keeps complaining about
several companies, including those you own, have it, saying it is both a waste of time and money. Pleased
dropped significantly. You are concerned and need with this situation, you say to her mischievously: _______
quick assistance. You contact a close friend who is A) Well, you were warned, but you were so determined to
knowledgeable in this field. You want to leave him a follow your nose. Now live with it!
message through his answering machine since he is
B) Believe me, you should never watch this kind of films if
unavailable by saying: _______
you’re someone who values your time.
A) I’ve been calling you since yesterday, but you do not
C) What you told me about the film is just the opposite of
answer my phone; who can I call other than you?
what I’ve just seen.
B) I urgently need to talk to you about the taxes on the new
D) I do not understand how they managed to produce such
flat I bought.
a poor-quality film despite having a strong cast.
C) Very urgent and important things have happened in the
E) Only an award-winning director could have made such a
company; I beg you to call me as soon as you can.
film. It was a masterpiece.
D) Please contact me as soon as possible as I need some
investment recommendations.
E) Profit rates in the company are falling. I urgently need
your advice on what to do.
2. You have had so many connection problems this week. 4. You are having a nice time with your family on the
Now, you have another one, and therefore call the balcony, and you suddenly realise something odd. You
customer service. After you are exposed to some music know your neighbours across the street are on holiday,
for about half an hour, a customer representative finally but there are some strange shadows on the curtains. You
picks up the phone, and you say sarcastically: _______ instantly dial 112 and report: _______
A) I have already restarted and reset my modem. What A) We need to dial 112 in any kind of emergency, be it a fire
should I do next? or a burglary, right?
B) If you can’t find a solution to my problem now, I’ll change B) Officer, I think my neighbour’s house has been broken
my Internet provider tomorrow. into.
C) I’m sick and tired of your never-ending regional C) Could you tell me where you parked my car after it was
maintenance work. towed away?
D) My neighbours have also been having connection D) I really wonder how you deal with all these fake reports.
problems for a long time.
E) What do you think about the increase in crime rates in the
E) If I really wanted to listen to classical music, I wouldn’t vicinity?
have called you.