P. 206
6. You have been riding a taxi for about half an hour, and the 9. One of your employees, who is also your friend, has a bad
driver keeps listening to deafening music from the moment habit of arriving late to work every day. Given that you
you get into the taxi. Since you have a terrible headache, meet in your personal life as well, you have difficulties
you cannot take it any more. You ask the driver politely to expressing yourself up to this point; but now that it has
decrease the volume by stating your reason. So, you say: attracted the attention of other employees, you gently
approach and warn him: _______
A) Why do I have to listen to this loud music you have been
A) I’ve noticed that you’ve been disrupting your work for a
playing for half an hour while I have such a bad headache?
long time; if it continues like this, I will have to dismiss
B) Excuse me! Will you give me a discount on the taxi fare
since I’m enduring this musical torture along the way?
C) Sorry, I can’t bear such deafening music any longer. Could B) I have been following you for a long time, but you’re not
you please stop the car? I want to get out of it. focusing on your job by doing non-work activities in the
D) Excuse me, sir! I’m suffering from a migraine, so could you office.
please turn the music down a bit?
C) I’m fed up with your arriving late, and if you don’t want to
E) I don’t mean to bother you, but would you mind playing
work, say it straight! It’s not possible to continue like that.
another type of music that we both might enjoy?
D) Because being friends with you is not welcome at work, I
ask you to behave in a more professional manner and be
7. You have bought a new mobile phone as a birthday present E) At work, there are too many complaints about you. Make
for your grandmother, but she is using it as little as possible a decision now; we’ll end either our friendship or business
for fear of crashing it, thinking it is a pretty delicate device. relationship.
Trying to persuade her to use it more often, you say:
A) Grandma, if you tap on one wrong button, all your valuable
information can be stolen. That’s why you have to be very
B) Grannie, it’s not something that can be broken so quickly,
and it’s pretty durable, so you don’t need to worry about
C) Don’t be fooled by those who introduce themselves as
officers, police, or lawyers and ask for money; they’re all
D) Before you begin to use your new phone, you need to
read the manual carefully, or you may not be able to use it
properly. 10. You work in a vast warehouse and always wear all your
E) Thanks to your new mobile phone, we’ll be able to talk on required safety gear. Your co-worker frequently requests
the phone face to face from now on. Isn’t it great, granny?
to borrow yours when he does not have his own. Last
week, he smashed your safety glasses and lost your back
belt yesterday. You do not want him to get hurt, but you
also do not want to lend him your equipment any more.
8. The owner of the flat, whose rent you have paid in advance Next time he comes to ask for an item, you refuse without
for two years, calls and says that he wants to sell the house, offending him: _______
and in this case, you will have to vacate the house. Despite
reminding him politely that you have a two-year contract, he A) I’m tired of your using my stuff now. Just use your own
insists that you leave the house. Stating your legal rights, stuff and stay away from mine!
you say angrily: _______ B) I’ve let you use my stuff until now, but I’m sorry to say
A) Are you aware of what you are saying? How can I increase that you had better bring your own equipment, as we may
the rent I paid in advance for two years? need it at the same time.
B) I never empty the house! As stated by law, you have no right C) It would be much better if you didn’t use my stuff any more;
to force me to leave until the contract is over. otherwise, I’m going to report you to higher authorities for
C) We can solve this matter between us without making it too
not using your own stuff.
huge. How about a rent increase?
D) Whenever I give you my belongings, you either break or
D) Neither of us wants this to end in court, so vacate the house
immediately! lose them, and I’m sick of your borrowing my belongings.
E) Given that I paid my rent in advance for two years, I’m sure E) The use of security materials is crucial for us; thus, I
this rent rise will be irrelevant to me. strongly advise you to exercise greater caution.