P. 211

                                                         ENGLISH                                           3

                                                                 2020 YDT
           Verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
                                                               4.  It is 1 a.m. and you have an important exam tomorrow
          2021 YDT                                                 but your upstairs neighbour is having a party with lots
        1.  You had to hand in an assignment on Monday, but you    of people. Although you warned them an hour ago, they
            were ill over the weekend and so you ask for a one-day   are still very loud. You go upstairs again and say angrily:
            extension. Your teacher asks why you are requesting extra   _______
            time. You want to respond politely, so you say: _______
                                                                   A)  I’m really upset that you didn’t invite me to your party.
            A)  Here’s the doctor’s note. If you read it, you’ll know why.  B)  If this party doesn’t end in ten minutes, I’m calling the
            B)  I’m really very sorry. I was quite ill over the weekend.  cops.
            C)  Yes, I should have handed in the assignment yesterday.  C)  I wouldn’t do this to you if you had something important to
            D)  I was really ill. Can’t you tell by the way I look today?  do the next day.
            E)  I think you’re one of the best teachers at our school.  D)  I really miss my old neighbours. They knew how to throw
                                                                      a party.

                                                                   E)  This party is lame. All these people, but no one to talk to.

          2021 YDT
        2.  Your friend has recently started painting. Although she
            is not really good at it, she is overly confident about her
            work. She shows you one of her paintings and asks your
            opinion so you say making fun of her:_______

            A)  It would be considered a masterpiece if you were a three-
               year-old kindergarten student.
            B)  I’m really happy for you. You’ve found a hobby that you’re
               happy with.
            C)  This is garbage. You’ve been taking lessons for a month
               and this is all you can do?
            D)  I think you need to take more lessons to be a good painter.
            E)  Even if you’ve just started, you did good enough. It’s not
                                                                 2020 YDT
               too bad.
                                                               5.  You unexpectedly have a free weekend and you heard
                                                                   that a friend has an exhibition of her paintings at a café.
                                                                   You are eager to go and you invite your best friend to join
                                                                   you. He says he does not like such activities. So you say
          2020 YDT
                                                                   to express your disappointment: _______
        3.  Your teenage son asks for your permission to go on a
            five-day camping holiday with one of his friends, Jason.   A)  Even if you didn’t like the idea of an exhibition, you could
            You think Jason has a bad influence on your son and a     at least join me just to make me happy. I felt excited about
            long holiday might make things even worse, so you firmly   it.
            refuse to give permission: _______                     B)  I enjoyed it a lot when I last went there. She is a great

            A)  Sorry dear, but such a long trip would definitely be a   artist. I think we should give it a try.
               disaster with Jason. So, we need to discuss it.     C)  I’m so indecisive about it. What do you think we should do
            B)  You know I don’t like Jason, but he may be good fun on a   then if we don’t go to the exhibition?
               trip.                                               D)  I obviously chose a wrong activity for us. It’ll be a total
            C)  Do whatever you want, just try to be firm with Jason.  waste of time. What can we do instead?
            D)  There’s no way I’ll allow you to take that trip with Jason.  E)  I’ve been meaning to go to this exhibition for weeks and
            E)  If you obey my strict rules, I won’t stand in your way.  you know it. Why do you always ruin my plans?

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