P. 213
Translation (TUR-ENG)-1
3. Atıkların azaltılması sürecinde en düşük maliyete ve en
Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi üst düzeyde faydaya ulaşılması hedefleniyor.
A) It is aimed to reach the lowest cost and the highest level
1. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde Hüdavendigar ismiyle of benefits in the process of reducing waste.
anılan Bursa, modern zamanlarda Yeşil Bursa takma adı
B) The goal of reaching the highest level of benefits and the
ile bilinmektedir.
lowest cost is to reduce waste.
A) Bursa, known as Green Bursa in modern times, was
C) Their target is to reduce waste, on the highest level of
called Hüdavendigar in the time of the Ottoman Empire.
benefits and the lowest cost.
B) Bursa is known as Green Bursa in modern times, but
D) It is supposed to reach the highest level of benefits and
during the Ottoman Empire period, its nickname was
the lowest cost in the process of waste reduction.
E) It is believed to reach the highest level and lowest cost in
C) Bursa, called Hüdavendigar during the Ottoman Empire
the process of reducing waste.
period, is known by its nickname Green Bursa in modern
D) Bursa, called Hüdavendigar in the time of the Ottoman
Empire is known as Green Bursa in modern times.
E) Bursa, which is known as Green Bursa, was called
Hüdavendigar in the Ottoman Empire period.
2. Güneş Sisteminde Dünya’dan sonra yaşama en uygun 4. Volkanlar; kraterleri patlatıp dağlar, adalar, ve vadiler inşa
yerlerden birinin Satürn’ün Enceladus uydusunun ederek hem Dünya yüzeyindeki hem de suyun altındaki
olabileceği ortaya çıktı. kayaların yüzde 80’inden fazlasını ürettiler.
A) It was reported that Saturn’s biggest orbiter, Enceladus, A) Volcanoes have produced more than 80 per cent of the
could be one of the best places to live in the Solar System. rock both on the Earth’s surface and below the water by
B) It was revealed that Saturn’s satellite, Enceladus, could blasting away craters and building mountains, islands,
be one of the best places to live in the Solar System after and valleys.
Earth. B) By blasting away craters and building mountains, islands,
C) Enceladus, which is one of the satellites of Saturn, could and valleys, it has become possible for volcanoes to
be one of the best places to live in the Solar System after produce more than 80 per cent of the rock on Earth’s
Earth. surface, both above and below water.
D) In the Solar System, there are many good places to live C) Volcanoes have produced more than 80 per cent of the
such as Saturn’s satellite, Enceladus, in addition to Earth. rock on Earth’s surface today, both above and below
water, blasted away craters built mountains, islands, and
E) Enceladus, which is Saturn’s satellite, is thought to be a
better place to live than Earth in the Solar System.
D) Volcanoes have produced approximately 80 per cent
of the Earth’s rocky surface today, both above and
below water besides blasting away craters and building
mountains, islands, and valleys.
E) By blasting away craters and building mountains, islands,
and valleys, volcanoes have produced at least 80 per
cent of the rock on Earth’s surface, not only above but
also below water.