P. 215

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                               Translation (TUR-ENG)-1

                                                               3.  Sele neden olan yağışlar, kuraklık, istilacı zararlılar ve
           Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi   sürekli  değişen  iklim  ile  ilgili  diğer  faktörler  kahveye
           bulunuz.                                                zarar vererek ciddi maddi kayıplara neden olur.

        1.  Dünyanın en tanınmış kurgusal karakterlerinden bazılarını   A)  Flooding rains, droughts, invasive pests, and other
            yaratan  Charles  Dickens  birçokları  tarafından  Viktorya   factors related to the continually changing climate result
            döneminin en büyük romancısı olarak kabul edilir.         in substantial financial losses, wreaking havoc on coffee.

            A)  Many people thought that Charles Dickens was the   B)  Floods  and  rains, droughts, invasive  pests,  and  other
               greatest  novelist  with  his fictional  characters  in  the   factors related to the continually changing climate wreak
               Victorian era.                                         havoc on coffee, resulting in substantial financial losses.
            B)  Charles Dickens is regarded as one of the best novelists   C)  Flooding rains, droughts, invasive pests, and other factors
               of the Victorian era as he created the world’s best-known   related to the continually changing climate wreak havoc
               fictional character.                                   on coffee, resulting in minimal financial losses.
            C)  The Victorian era’s best-known novelist is undoubtedly   D)  Flooding rains, droughts, hostile pests, and other factors
               Charles Dickens since he created some of the world’s   related to the continually changing climate wreak havoc
               greatest fictional characters.                         on coffee, resulting in substantial financial losses.
            D)  Charles Dickens was regarded as the best-known     E)  Flooding rains, droughts, invasive pests, and other factors
               novelist of the Victorian era by some of his readers, and   related to the continually changing climate wreak havoc
               he created great fictional characters.                 on coffee, resulting in substantial commercial profits.

            E)  Charles Dickens, who created some of the world’s best-
               known fictional characters, is regarded by many as the
               greatest novelist of the Victorian era.

        2.  Almanya  Ulm’daki  Ekmek  Kültürü  Müzesi’nin,  hiçbiri   4.  Köpekler,  Birinci  Dünya  Savaşı’nda  vücutlarına  bağlanmış
            ekmek  olmayan  18.000  parçalık  bir  koleksiyonu     kapsüller içinde ön cephelere emirleri ulaştıran elçiler olarak
            bulunmaktadır.                                         kullanılmıştır.

            A)  The Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany, has a   A)  In WWI, orders were transmitted to the front lines with the
               collection of 18,000 items, none of which is bread.    help of dogs carrying capsules on their bodies.
            B)  There are 18,000 items in the Museum of Bread Culture   B)  Dogs, carrying orders to the front lines in capsules, were
               in Ulm, Germany and all of them are breadcrumbs.       used as messengers in WWI.

            C)  The Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany has    C)  Dogs were used in WWI with the aim of carrying orders to
               18,000 items though they do not include any bread at all.  the front lines in capsules.
            D)  The number of items in the Museum of Bread Culture in   D)  In WWI, armies used dogs as messengers to carry orders
               Ulm is 18,000, but, in fact, there isn’t any bread here.  in capsules on their bodies.
            E)  If you want to see anything about bread, you should   E)  Dogs were used as messengers in WWI, carrying orders
               visit the Museum of Bread Culture in Ulm, Germany but   to the front lines in capsules attached to their bodies.
               remember that none of its items is bread.

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