P. 219
Translation (TUR-ENG)-2
3. Hava ısındıkça nehirlerden, göllerden, bitkilerden ve hatta
Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi topraktan daha fazla nem çeker ve bu da zemini daha da
bulunuz. sıcak ve kuru hale getirebilir.
1. Cambridge Üniversitesi’nden uzmanlar, farelerden alınan A) The warming of the air sucks more moisture out of lakes,
kök hücreyle ilk kez ‘yapay embriyolar’ yaratmayı başardı. rivers, plants, and even the soil, which may, in turn, could
make the ground much hotter and drier.
A) Experts from Cambridge University have managed to
create ‘artificial embryos’ for the first time with stem cells B) As the air warms, it sucks more moisture out of lakes,
from mice. rivers, plants, and even the soil, which may, in turn, make
the ground much hotter and drier.
B) In a study at Cambridge University, experts have already
tried to create ‘artificial embryos’ with stem cells from a C) The air warms gradually, which leads to its sucking more
mouse. moisture out of lakes, rivers, plants, and even the soil,
and this can, in turn, make the ground much hotter and
C) Some experts from Cambridge University have failed to
create ‘artificial embryos’ with stem cells from mice at
their first attempt. D) Because the air warms, it sucks more moisture out of
lakes, rivers, plants, and even the soil, which could make
D) Scientists from Cambridge University have managed to
the ground much hotter and drier.
create ‘artificial embryos’ many times with stem cells from
mice. E) The warm air sucks more moisture out of lakes, rivers,
plants, and even the soil, which results in making the
E) Professors from Cambridge University have managed to
ground much hotter and drier.
produce ‘artificial embryos’ many times with stem cells
from a mouse.
2. İskoçya’nın en büyük şehri Glasgow, rakibi Edinburgh’un 4. Sevgi, ilgi ve bilgiden yoksun olarak yetiştirilen çocuklar,
gölgesinde kalsa da onu görülmeye değer kılan birçok herkesin kolaylıkla halledebileceği konuların bile
farklı özelliğe ev sahipliği yapıyor. üstesinden gelemezler.
A) Although Scotland’s biggest city is overshadowed by A) Children raised with love, interest, and knowledge can
its rival, Edinburgh, Glasgow is home to many different even handle the issues that not everyone can easily cope
features that make it worth seeing. with.
B) Scotland’s biggest city, Glasgow, is home to many B) Children who are raised without love, interest, and
different features that make it worth seeing despite being knowledge cannot even handle the issues that everyone
far behind and in the shadow of its rival, Edinburgh. can easily cope with.
C) Despite being the biggest city in Scotland and home to C) Everyone can easily cope with the issues that children
many different features that make it worth seeing, Glasgow raised without love, interest, and knowledge cannot
is too often overshadowed by its rival, Edinburgh. handle.
D) While Scotland’s biggest city is too often in the shadow D) Children who are raised without love and knowledge
of its rival, Edinburgh, Glasgow is also home to many cannot handle the issues that everyone can easily cope
different features that make it worth seeing. with.
E) While Scotland’s biggest city is too often in the shadow E) Raised with love, interest, and knowledge, children can
of its rival, Glasgow, Edinburgh is also home to many handle issues that not everyone can easily cope with.
different features that make it worth seeing.