P. 217
Translation (TUR-ENG)-1
2019 YDT
Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
3. Beynin sol ve sağ tarafları birbirine eşit olmadığından,
bir kimsenin fiziksel ve zihinsel işlerde her iki elini ya da
ayağını eşit derecede iyi kullanabilmesi oldukça nadirdir.
2018 YDT
1. İngiliz yazar Jane Austen, gündelik hayattaki sıradan A) It is very rare for someone to be able to use both hands
insanları ele alma şekliyle romana modern bir karakter or feet equally well in physical and mental tasks since
kazandıran ilk yazardır. the left and right sides of the brain are not equal to each
A) Jane Austen, who was the first to give the novel its
B) Some people can hardly use both hands or feet equally
modern character through her treatment of ordinary
well in physical and mental tasks because the left and
people in everyday life, was an English writer.
right sides of the brain may not be equal to each other.
B) The English writer Jane Austen was the first writer to give
C) Since the left and right sides of the brain are not equal to
the novel its modern character through her treatment of
each other, physical and mental tasks make it impossible
ordinary people in everyday life.
for some people to be able to use both hands or feet
C) Jane Austen, the first English writer, gave the novel
equally well.
its modern character through her treatment of ordinary
D) For some, using both hands or feet equally well is very
people in everyday life.
rare in physical and mental tasks even if the left side of
D) Jane Austen was the first English writer giving the modern
the brain is equal to the right side.
novel its character by her treatment of ordinary people in
E) In physical and mental tasks, both hands or feet may not
everyday life.
be used equally well by some people if the left and right
E) The novel got its first modern character from the English
sides of the brain are not equal to each other.
writer Jane Austen’s treatment of ordinary people in
everyday life.
4. Depresif bir ruh hali ile çaresizlik, umutsuzluk ve
suçluluk hislerinin yoğun olarak hissedildiği bir süreç
olarak bilinen depresyon, tedavi edilmediği sürece büyük
2020 YDT
problemlere neden olabilir.
2. İklim değişikliğinin sebep olduğu kuraklıklar ve su
seviyelerindeki değişimler, geleneksel olarak Kenya’daki A) Depression is a process in which the feelings of
Nakuru Gölü etrafında çiftleşmek için toplanan flamingoları helplessness, despair, and guilt are intensely felt with
tehdit etmektedir. a depressed mood may cause major problems if left
A) Droughts and changes in water conditions caused by
B) Depression, which is a process in which a depressed
climate change are threatening flamingos that traditionally
mood and feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and
gather to breed around Lake Nakuru in Kenya.
guilt are deeply felt, could cause great problems if not
B) Droughts and changes in water conditions threatening treated properly.
flamingos that traditionally gather around Lake Nakuru in
C) Depression is a process in which people feel helpless,
Kenya to breed are a result of climate change.
desperate, and guilty, along with their depressed mood,
C) Climate change results in droughts and changes in and it might cause major problems if left untreated.
water conditions and this is threatening flamingos that
D) A depressed mood with intensive feelings of helplessness,
traditionally gather to breed around Lake Nakuru in Kenya.
hopelessness, and guilt is the process of depression, and it
D) Flamingos that traditionally gather around Lake Nakuru in causes big problems because of not being treated.
Kenya to breed are threatened by droughts and changes
E) Depression, which is known as a process in which
in water conditions caused by climate change.
a depressed mood and feelings of helplessness,
E) Flamingos traditionally gather to breed around Lake Nakuru hopelessness, and guilt are felt intensely, can lead to
in Kenya but they are being threatened by droughts and great problems unless treated.
changes in water conditions caused by climate change.