P. 221

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                               Translation (TUR-ENG)-2

                                                               3.  Kediler,  gizlenmiş  olan  yiyeceği  bulmak  için  insanların
           Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi   hareketlerini  yorumlayabilir,  sahiplerinin  sesini  tanır
           bulunuz.                                                ve  kendilerine  bakıp  onlara  ismiyle  seslenen  insandan

        1.  Herkes ara sıra şekerli veya karbonhidrat yüklü bir ziyafet   yiyecek ister.
            çekmeyi sever fakat diyabet hastasıysanız, beslenmenizi,   A)  Cats want food from their owners by begging them, and
            kan  şekeri  düzeyinizi  tehlikeli  boyutlara  çıkartmayacak   they can recognise the people who look after them and
            şekilde ayarlamanız önemlidir.                            find hidden food.

            A)  Everyone loves a good sugary or carb-loaded treat now   B)  Cats find hidden food by looking after them, and they can
               and again, but if you suffer from diabetes, it’s important to   recognise their owners’ voices and gestures, begging for
               manage your diet in a way that you don’t push your blood   food from their owners.
               sugar level to a dangerous extent.
                                                                   C)  Cats can interpret human gestures to find hidden food,
            B)  It’s  important  to  manage  your  diet  according  to  your   recognise their owners’ voices, and beg for food from the
               blood sugar level since you can suffer from diabetes, but   person who looks at them besides calling their name.
               everybody loves a sugary or carb-loaded treat from time
                                                                   D)  Cats interpret human gestures to cover hidden food,
               to time.
                                                                      recognise their owners’ voices, and beg for food from the
            C)  Your blood sugar level is important whether you can have   person who looks at them and calls their name.
               sugar or carbohydrate at one time or another; if you are a
                                                                   E)  Cats can interpret human gestures to find hidden food,
               diabetes patient managing your diet does not push your
                                                                      recognise their owners’ voices, and beg for food from the
               blood sugar level to a dangerous extent.
                                                                      person who looks at them and calls their name.
            D)  In order not to get a high blood sugar level, which is
               dangerous if you are suffering from diabetes, you should
               manage your diet with a sugary or carbohydrate-loaded
               treat all the time.

            E)  Sometimes, people want to have a sugary or carb-loaded
               treat, but it is dangerous for your health if you have
               diabetes because it can increase your blood sugar level.

                                                               4.  Fikirlerin  özetlenmesi,  kullanıcıların,  bir  konu  veya  bir
        2.  Çocuklarımızı  gururla  sergileme  isteğimiz,  gözetlemeyi
                                                                   varlığın temel unsurları hakkında başkalarının görüşlerini
            ve mahremiyetin yok olmasını normalleştiren bir sisteme
                                                                   keşfetmelerine yardımcı olur.
            hizmet etmemelidir.
                                                                   A)  Summarising  opinions causes users to explore the
            A)  We should care about our children’s privacy and shouldn’t   opinions of others about the key aspects of a topic or an
               show them because the system normalises their lack of   entity.
                                                                   B)  Summarising opinions helps users to explore the opinions
            B)  Our wish to show off our kids shouldn’t contribute to a   of others about the key aspects of a topic or an entity.
               system that normalises surveillance and a lack of privacy.
                                                                   C)  Summarising opinions helps users to understand the
            C)  Parents want to show their kids with pride, but this wish   emotions of others about the key aspects of a topic or an
               shouldn’t serve as a system of surveillance and regular   entity.
                                                                   D)  Summarising opinions helps users to explore the opinions
            D)  Our wish to show off with our kids contributes only to a
                                                                      of others about some of the aspects of a topic or an entity.
               system that normalises surveillance.
                                                                   E)  Summarising opinions helps users to explore the mood of
            E)  Lack of privacy and surveillance is a system that stems   similarities about the key aspects of a topic or an entity.
               from parents’ wish to show off with their children.

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