P. 226

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        5.  2011 yılında 18–30 yaş arası kişilerle yapılan bir ankette,   7.  Masa üstü oyunları gibi dijital olmayan oyunları oynamak,
            katılımcıların  yarıdan  fazlası  dizüstü  bilgisayarlarını   ileriki  yaşamınızda  zihinsel  olarak  zinde  kalmanızı
            veya  cep  telefonlarını  ellerinde  tutmaları  karşılığında   sağlar; örneğin, bunları düzenli olarak oynayanlar, 70’li
            koku alma duyularından süresiz olarak vazgeçeceklerini   yaşlarında hafıza ve düşünme testlerinde daha iyi puan
            söyledi.                                               almaktadır.
            A)  In exchange for keeping their laptop or mobile phone, all   A)  Playing non-digital games such as board games makes
               people aged 18–30 said they would immediately give up   you stay mentally sharp in your later life; for example,
               their sense of smell in a 2011 survey.                 those who have regularly played these score better on
                                                                      memory and thinking tests in their 70s.
            B)  In a 2011 survey of people aged 18–30, a little more than
               half of the participants said they would permanently give   B)  Most of the people who have regularly played non-digital
               up  their  sense  of  smell  to  keep  their  laptop  or  mobile   games  in  their  later  life,  including  board  games,  score
               phone.                                                 better  on  memory  and thinking  tests  in  their 70s  than
                                                                      those playing digital ones.
            C)  In a 2011 survey of people aged 18–30, more than half
               of the participants said they would definitely give up their   C)  Non-digital games such as board games are a ticket
               sense of smell in order to keep their laptop or mobile   to staying mentally sharp in your later life; for example,
               phone.                                                 those who have regularly played these score better both
                                                                      on memory and thinking tests in their 70s.
            D)  In a 2011 survey of people aged 18–30, more than half of
               the participants said they would indefinitely give up their   D)  Board games and non-digital games make you stay
               sense of smell in exchange for keeping their laptop or   mentally sharp in your later life; for example, those who
               mobile phone.                                          have regularly played these score better on memory and
                                                                      thinking tests in their 70s.
            E)  In a 2011 survey of people aged 18–30, more than half
               said they would indefinitely stop smelling so that they   E)  Playing non-digital games such as board games improves
               could keep their laptop or mobile phone.               mental performance in your later life; for example, those
                                                                      who have regularly played these score better than ever
                                                                      on memory and thinking tests in their 70s.

        6.  Aynı veya farklı ulusal kökenlerden benzer ilgi alanlarına
            sahip  kişilerle  beraber  sosyal  ve  kültürel  faaliyetler
            sağlayan  uluslararası  kulüplere  katılmak,  bireyin
            gelişimini her yönden destekler.
                                                               8.  Salda  Gölü,  kış  aylarında  çok  sayıda  nesli  tükenmekte
            A)  Joining international clubs with people from the same or
                                                                   olan  kuş  türlerinden  bazılarını  barındırır,  bu  nedenle
               different national origins with similar interests supports
                                                                   uluslararası  öneme  sahip  sulak  alanlar  arasında  yer
               the social and cultural development of the person in every
                                                                   A)  Salda Lake hosts some endangered bird species in
            B)  People from the same or different national origins
                                                                      significant numbers during the winter months; therefore,
               with  similar  interests  can join  international  clubs that
                                                                      it is among the wetlands of international importance.
               provide social and cultural activities in order to improve
               themselves in every respect.                        B)  Some endangered bird species in significant numbers
                                                                      during the winter months are inhabited near Salda
            C)  International  clubs  that  provide  social  and  cultural
                                                                      Lake; hence, it is among the wetlands of international
               activities bring people from the same or different national
               origins with similar interests together and promote the
               individual’s improvement in every aspect.           C)  The fact that Salda Lake hosts a significant number of
                                                                      endangered bird species during the winter months makes
            D)  Participating in international clubs providing social and
                                                                      it one of the wetlands of international importance.
               cultural activities encourages people from the same or
               different national origins with similar interests to develop   D)  Salda Lake is one of the world’s most important wetlands
               in all aspects.                                        because it serves as a wintering ground for a large
                                                                      number of endangered bird species.
            E)  Joining international clubs that provide social and cultural
               activities with people from the same or different national   E)  There are a lot of endangered bird species that live near
               origins with similar interests supports the development of   Salda Lake during the winter, which makes it one of the
               the individual in every aspect.                        wetlands that are important to the world.

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