P. 228

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  Ülkeler,  vatandaşlarını  yeniden  kullanıma  veya  onarıma   7.  Brezilya Uzay Araştırma Ajansı raporu, Amazon yağmur
            uygun  malzemeleri  çöpe  atmak  yerine  geri  dönüşüm   ormanlarındaki  ormansızlaşmanın  bir  yılda  yüzde  22
            merkezlerine götürmeye teşvik etmelidir.               arttığını gözler önüne serdi.
            A)  Countries  should  warn  their  citizens  not  to  use  certain   A)  According to the latest report by the Brazilian  Space
               wasteful products or materials at all, such as items that   Research Agency, deforestation in the Amazon rainforest
               cannot be repaired, reused, or recycled.               has increased by 22 per cent in a year.

            B)  Countries should encourage their citizens to take   B)  The report that deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon has
               materials that are suitable for reuse or repair to recycling   increased by 22 per cent in the last year was published
               centres instead of throwing them away.                 by the Brazilian Space Research Agency.
            C)  If  products are suitable  for  reuse  or  repair,  what the   C)  Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest rose by almost
               countries expect from their citizens is not to throw them   22 per cent in one year, according to figures reported by
               away but to bring them to recycling centres.           the Brazilian Space Research Agency.
            D)  Countries should work to maximise the lifespan of   D)  The Brazilian Space Research Agency report documented
               products and encourage reuse and repair where this is   that deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has surged to
               environmentally beneficial.                            its highest level with an increase of 22 per cent in a year.
            E)  Countries should support their citizens in collecting and   E)  A  report  by  the  Brazilian  Space  Research  Agency  has
               recycling of products suitable for reuse before they are   revealed that deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has
               considered waste.                                      increased by 22 per cent in one year.

        6.  Bir arı kovanında kraliçe arı ölürse, işçiler genç bir larva   8.  Vitaminler  insanlara  doğrudan  enerji  vermezler,  ancak
            seçip onu arı sütü adı verilen özel yemle besleyerek yeni   besinlerden  alınan  enerjiyi  vücudun  kullanabileceği  bir
            bir kraliçe arı yetiştirirler.                         forma dönüştürürler.

            A)  When a hive needs a new queen bee, workers select a   A)  Vitamins do not give people energy directly, but they
               young larva and feed it a special food called royal jelly to   convert the energy from food into a form that the body
               become a new queen bee.                                can use.
            B)  After the queen bee dies in the beehive, workers select   B)  People should be able to get all the nutrients and vitamins
               a young larva and feed it with a special food called royal   that give them energy directly from a varied and balanced
               jelly so as to rear the new queen bee.                 diet.

            C)  In case of the death of the queen bee, at least one young   C)  Vitamins convert food into energy that can be used by the
               larva is selected by the worker bees and is fed with a   body although they do not directly give people energy.
               special substance called royal jelly.
                                                                   D)  Vitamins provide people with the energy they need by
            D)  If the queen bee dies in a honeybee hive, the workers   converting food into a form that the body can use.
               rear a new queen bee by selecting a young larva and
                                                                   E)  Vitamins help the body use energy from the food people
               feeding it a special food called royal jelly.
                                                                      eat, even if they do not directly give people energy.
            E)  A queen can be raised from any larva with a special food
               called royal jelly, but the worker bees will never raise a
               queen unless they need one.

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