P. 227
Translation (TUR-ENG)-3
3. Olağanüstü Bir Gece, Stefan Zweig’in çok okunan eserleri
Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi arasında yer almasa da edebiyat dünyasının en merak
bulunuz. uyandıran kitaplarından biri olarak kabul edilir.
1. ‘Yaban Hayatı Koruma Sahaları’, yaban hayatı değerlerine
A) Although Fantastic Night is accepted as one of the most
sahip, korunması gerekli yaşam ortamlarının bitki ve hayvan
exciting books in the literary world, it is not involved in
türleri ile birlikte mutlak olarak korunmasını ve devamlılığının
Stefan Zweig’s widely read works.
sağlanmasını amaçlamaktadırlar.
B) Stefan Zweig’s Fantastic Night figures the most
A) ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’, which aim to ensure the absolute fascinating book ever in the literary environment, but it is
protection and continuity of living environments with wildlife
not among the most read ones.
values, can be protected, together with plant and animal
C) Fantastic Night is considered to be one of the most
B) ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ aim to ensure the absolute intriguing books in the literary world even though it does
protection and continuity of living environments that have not rank among Stefan Zweig’s widely read works.
wildlife values and that need to be protected, together with D) While Fantastic Night by Stefan Zweig does not place
plant and animal species. among his commonly read books, it is one of the most
C) ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ aim to ensure the protection and appreciated works in the literary world.
continuity of living environments with wildlife values, which
E) As the most appealing book by Stefan Zweig, Fantastic
must be protected better, together with plant and animal
Night is thought to be the most read work, but actually, it
D) The aim of ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ is to ensure the absolute is not accepted by the literary world.
protection and continuity of living environments with wildlife
values, and they must be protected, together with plant and
animal species.
E) The aim of ‘Wildlife Protection Areas’ is to protect living
environments with wildlife values, together with plant and
animal species and provide their continuity.
2. Belirli bir sistem içindeki düşünsel etkinliği ifade eden 4. Takas, para gibi bir değişim aracı kullanılmadan mal veya
felsefe, ne filozofların kendi aralarında konuştukları belirli bir hizmetlerin doğrudan diğer mal veya hizmetlerle değiş
dil ne de anlaşılmaz olarak kabul edilen değersiz bir konudur. tokuş edildiği bir ticaret türüdür.
A) Philosophy is neither a unique language spoken only A) Barter is an alternative method of trade where goods and
by philosophers nor a useless subject regarded as services are exchanged for each other without money
incomprehensible; on the contrary, it is the expression of the being used as an intermediary.
ideational activity inside a particular system.
B) Bartering, the trading of services or goods with another
B) Philosophy, which refers to the activity of thinking
person when no money is involved, has been practised
systematically, is not only a language that philosophers use
but also a subject which people think is worthless and difficult for trade.
to understand. C) Barter is a type of trade in which goods or services are
C) The philosophical expression of the ideational activity in a exchanged directly for other goods or services without
particular system is neither a language philosophers speak the use of a medium of exchange, such as money.
among themselves nor a useless subject considered to be
D) Long before money was invented, people acquired and
exchanged their goods and services for other things with
D) Philosophy, expressing the ideational activity within a certain
the help of using the barter system.
system, is neither a certain language philosophers speak
among themselves nor a worthless subject considered E) Bartering, the direct exchange of services and goods for
incomprehensible. other services and goods, was conducted between two or
E) Philosophy, the expression of ideational activity inside a more parties when there was no money involved.
particular system, is either a specific language spoken
by philosophers or an unintelligible subject accepted as