P. 222

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  Yellowstone’da  çoğu  uzak  ve  ulaşılması  zor  alanlarda   7.  Bir  araştırma,  ergenlik  döneminde  düzenli  yapılan
            bulunan 120 termal alanda 10.000’den fazla termal özellik   egzersizin başta depresyon ve kaygı bozuklukları olmak
            bulunabilir.                                           üzere birçok ruh sağlığı bozukluğu riskini azaltabildiğini
            A)  As many as 10,000 thermal features can be found across
               around 120 thermal areas in Yellowstone, most of which   A)  According to a study, regular exercise during adolescence
               sit in remote and hard-to-reach areas.                 is likely to reduce the risk of most mental health disorders,
                                                                      such as depression and anxiety.
            B)  More than 10,000 thermal features must be found across
               around 120 thermal areas in Yellowstone, some of which   B)  A study has shown that regular exercise during
               sit in remote and hard-to-reach areas.                 adolescence can increase the risk of many mental health
                                                                      disorders, primarily depression and anxiety disorders.
            C)  More than 10,000 thermal features can be found across
               around 120 thermal areas in Yellowstone, most of which   C)  In a study, it has been shown that regular exercise during
               sit in remote and hard-to-reach areas.                 adolescence can reduce the risk of many mental health
                                                                      disorders, primarily depression and anxiety disorders.
            D)  Less than 10,000 thermal features can be found across
               around 120 thermal areas in Yellowstone, most of which   D)  A study has shown that regular exercise during
               sit in remote and hard-to-reach areas.                 adolescence can reduce the risk of many mental health
                                                                      disorders, primarily depression and anxiety disorders.
            E)  Besides 10,000 thermal features found across around
               120 thermal areas in Yellowstone, nearly all of which sit   E)  That the risk of many mental health disorders, primarily
               in remote and hard-to-reach areas.                     depression and anxiety disorders, can be decreased with
                                                                      regular exercise during adolescence has been shown in
                                                                      a study.

                                                               8.  Türk Edebiyatı, hiçbir yazılı belge bulunamayan çok eski
        6.  Bilim  insanları,  acı  bibere  baharatlı  etkiyi  veren
                                                                   dönemlerde başlamış ve birbirinden farklı kollar halinde
            kimyasalın,  bir  gün  akciğer  kanserini  tedavi  etmek  için
                                                                   gelişmek suretiyle günümüze kadar süregelmiştir.
            bir ilaç olarak geliştirilebileceğine inanıyor.
            A)  Scientists argue that the chemical that gives chilli its spicy   A)  Turkish literature began in very ancient times when no
               kick could be developed into a drug to treat lung cancer   one could find any written documents and continued to
               one day.                                               the present day, developing in different branches from
                                                                      each other.
            B)  Scientists believe the chemical which gives chilli its spicy
                                                                   B)  Having started in very old times when no written
               kick could one day be developed into a drug to treat lung
                                                                      documents could be found, Turkish literature has
                                                                      developed in different branches from each other and
            C)  Scientists believe the chemical which gains its chilli and
                                                                      continues until today.
               spicy kick could one day be developed into a drug to treat
                                                                   C)  Turkish literature began in very ancient times when no
               lung cancer.
                                                                      written documents could be found and it has continued
            D)  Scientists believe the chemical which gives chilli its spicy
                                                                      to the present day developing in different branches from
               kick could one day be turned into a drug to relieve lung
                                                                      each other.
                                                                   D)  Beginning in very ancient times, Turkish literature has
            E)  Scientists prepare the chemical which gives chilli its spicy
                                                                      been developing in different branches from each other
               kick should one day be developed into a drug to treat lung
                                                                      since the times when no written documents could be
                                                                   E)  Turkish literature started in very ancient times when no
                                                                      written documents could be found and continue until
                                                                      today by being developed in different branches.

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