P. 220

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        5.  Kendine güvenen insanlar, bulundukları her ortamda bir   7.  Uydu  projeleri,  çoğunlukla  birçok  ülkeden  çok  sayıda
            adım  öne  çıkmayı  ve  takdir  edilmeyi  başarırlar,  dahası   şirketin  veya  kurumun  ortak  çalışmasıyla  yürütülen
            işler çok iyi gitmediğinde bile bardağın dolu tarafından   büyük maliyetli projelerdir.
            bakabilir,  pozitif  yönleri  ile  zorlukların  üstesinden
                                                                   A)  Due to the high cost, satellite projects are mostly carried
                                                                      out with the cooperation of some companies or institutions
            A)  Confident people can look at the glass half full and   from many countries.
               overcome difficulties with their positive aspects even
                                                                   B)  Many companies or institutions, mostly from a large
               when things are not going well because they manage to
                                                                      number of countries, carry out large-cost satellite projects.
               stand out and be appreciated in every environment they
                                                                   C)  Satellite projects are mostly carried out with the
               are in.
                                                                      cooperation of many companies or institutions from many
            B)  Confident people manage to stand out and be appreciated
               in every environment they are in; moreover, even when
                                                                   D)  Satellite projects are high-cost projects which are carried
               things are not going well, they can look at the glass half
                                                                      out mostly with the cooperation of many companies or
               full and overcome difficulties with their positive aspects.
                                                                      institutions from a large number of countries.
            C)  Besides being confident, people manage to stand out
                                                                    E) Satellite projects are mostly carried out with the
               and be appreciated in every environment they are in;
                                                                      cooperation of a number of companies or institutions from
               even when things are not going well, they can look at the
                                                                      many countries.
               glass half full and overcome difficulties with their positive
            D)  Confident people manage to stand out and be appreciated
               in every environment they are in; even though things are
               not  going  well,  they  can look  at  the glass  half full  and
               overcome difficulties with their positive aspects.

            E)  Confident people manage to stand out and be appreciated
               in every environment they are in; besides this, when
               things are not going well, they can look at the glass half
               full and overcome difficulties with their positive aspects.

        6.  Psikodrama,  insanlara  problemleri  hakkında  konuşmak   8.  Bir  roman  veya  öykü  okurken  sadece  başka  hayatları
            yerine,  bunları  canlandırarak  dışa  vurmalarına  yardımcı   tanımakla kalmıyoruz, aynı zamanda kendi hayatımızı da
            olmayı temel alan bir grup psikoterapisi yaklaşımıdır.  gözden geçirme fırsatı buluyoruz.
            A)  A psychodrama is a form of group psychotherapy in order   A)  When reading a novel or a story, we learn about other
               to express people’s problems by acting instead of talking   people’s lives and have new experiences in our lives.
               about them.                                         B)  Reading a novel or a story makes us think about others’

            B)  Psychodrama as a method of group psychotherapy        lives and also about our own.
               helps people talk about their problems and express them   C)  As we read a novel or a story, we get to know the
               through acting.                                        characters and evaluate our own lives.
            C)  Psychodrama is a group psychotherapy approach based   D)  Story readers and  novel readers learn about  the key
               on helping people express their problems by acting     points of the characters’ lives and our own lives.
               instead of talking about them.
                                                                   E)  While reading a novel or story, we not only get to know
            D)  It is a psychodrama approach to help people express
                                                                      other lives, but we also have the opportunity to review our
               their problems by acting instead of talking about them.
            E)  In spite of the fact that psychodrama requires people
               to talk about their problems, people prefer a group
               psychotherapy approach that is based on helping them
               express themselves by acting.

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