P. 218

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        5.  Uluslararası beyin göçü konusu incelenirken bu konudaki   7.  Üçüncü   Dünya   ülkelerinde   yaşayan   insanların,
            hızlanmanın 1960’lı yılların ortalarından itibaren kendini   sanayileşmiş ülkelerde yaşayan insanlara kıyasla yeniliğe
            gösterdiği anlaşılmaktadır.                            daha az açık olduğu varsayımını hepimiz duymuşuzdur.

            A)  When studying the issue of international brain drain, it   A)  The assumption that people living in third-world countries
               is understood that the acceleration in this issue has   are less open to development than people residing in
               manifested itself since the mid-1960s.                 industrialised countries should be something we’ve all
                                                                      heard of.
            B)  When examining the issue of international brain drain, it
               is understood that the acceleration in this issue emerged   B)  It is an assumption we must all have heard that people
               in the mid of 1960.                                    living in third-world countries are less open to development
                                                                      than people living in industrialised countries.
            C)  While examining the issue of international brain drain,
               one can understand that the acceleration in this issue has   C)  We should all have heard of that those people living in
               existed since the mid-1960s.                           third-world countries are as open to innovation as people
                                                                      living in industrialised countries.
            D)  When studying the subject of international brain drain,
               it is understood that the acceleration in this subject has   D)  We must have all heard the prejudice that people residing
               been manifested since the mid-1960s.                   in third-world countries are not as open to innovation as
                                                                      people are residing in industrialised countries.
            E)  It is understood that the acceleration of brain drain has
               emerged since the mid-1960 in examining the issue   E)  We all must have heard of the assumption that people
               internationally.                                       living in third-world countries are less open to innovation
                                                                      compared to people living in industrialised countries.

                                                               8.  Papağan türleri arasında çok çeşitlilik olmasına rağmen
        6.  Vücuttaki  hemen  hemen  her  organı  etkileyen  kurşun
                                                                   tüm papağanların kıvrık gagaları vardır ve hepsinin her
            zehirlenmesi,  kurşun  içeren  bir  maddenin  solunması
                                                                   bir  ayağında  ikisi  öne,  ikisi  geriye  doğru  bakan  dört
            veya yutulması yoluyla yüksek miktarda kurşuna maruz
                                                                   parmağı vardır.
            kalındığı zaman ortaya çıkar.
                                                                   A)  Parrots are among the bird species which have curved
            A)  Due to lead poisoning, occurring when one is exposed
                                                                      beaks and four toes on each foot, two facing forward and
               to a high amount of lead by breathing or swallowing a
                                                                      two facing backwards.
               substance containing lead, almost every organ in the
               body is affected.                                   B)  There is great diversity among parrot species, but they
                                                                      are similar in respect to their curved beaks and their toes,
            B)  Lead poisoning, which affects almost every organ in the
                                                                      which point in different directions.
               body, occurs when one is exposed to a high amount of
               lead by breathing or swallowing a substance containing   C)  Parrot species are similar to each other; however, some
               lead.                                                  of them have crooked beaks and four toes, two pointing
                                                                      forward and two projecting backwards.
            C)  Lead poisoning occurs when one is exposed to a high
               amount of lead by breathing or swallowing a substance   D)  Although there is great variation among parrot species,
               containing lead, and as a result, almost every organ in the   all parrots have curved beaks and all have four toes on
               body is affected.                                      either foot, two facing forward, and two facing backwards.
            D)  By breathing or swallowing a substance containing lead,   E)  Among the parrot species, some of them have curved
               which affects almost every organ in the body, one can   beaks and four toes, two of which point forward and the
               become exposed to lead poisoning.                      others point backwards.
            E)  Lead poisoning affects almost every organ in the body,
               and it occurs when one is exposed to a high amount of
               lead by breathing or swallowing a substance containing

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