P. 214
5. Kültür ve sanat barışa katkıda bulunur ve insanları 7. Eski çağlarda birçok bulaşıcı hastalık için uygulanan
birbirine yaklaştırarak birbirlerini tanımaları için fırsat karantina, binlerce yıl sonra dahi salgınların önlenmesinde
sunar. en etkili metotlardan biri olmaya devam etmektedir.
A) Culture and art contribute to peace, bring people closer, A) Quarantine remains one of the most effective methods
and offer the opportunity to get to know each other. of preventing epidemics even after thousands of years
despite being applied to many infectious diseases in
B) Culture and art contribute to peace and provide an
ancient times.
opportunity by bringing people closer to getting to know
each other. B) One of the most effective methods of preventing
epidemics even after thousands of years, quarantine has
C) Not only culture but also art brings people together and
been applied to many infectious diseases since ancient
contributes to peace, providing an opportunity to get to
know each other.
C) Even in ancient times, quarantine was applied to
D) Both culture and art contribute to peace and bring people
many infectious diseases, and it remains one of the
together, offering to know each other.
most effective methods of preventing epidemics after
E) Culture and art contribute to peace and bring people
thousands of years.
closer, offering the opportunity to know each other.
D) Quarantine, which was applied to many infectious
diseases even in ancient times, remains one of the
most effective methods of preventing epidemics after
thousands of years.
E) Quarantine, which was applied to many infectious
diseases in ancient times, remains one of the most
effective methods of preventing epidemics even after
thousands of years.
6. Elinde kesik oluşan bir kişi, kesiğin lokal anestezi 8. Müzik sadece en deneysel sanatlardan biri olmakla
uygulanarak dikilmesi sırasında acıyı hissetmez, fakat kalmamış, aynı zamanda görsel sanatçılar için de büyük
elini oynatabilir. bir esin kaynağı olmuştur.
A) If a person who has a cut on his hand does not feel pain A) Not only has music been one of the most experimental
during the suturing of the incision with local anaesthesia, arts, but it has also served as the greatest source of
he can move his hand. inspiration for visual artists.
B) A person who has a cut on his hand does not feel any pain B) Music has been the greatest source of inspiration for
during the suturing of the incision with local anaesthesia visual artists and is one of the most experimental arts.
though he can move his hand.
C) Music has always been a great source of inspiration for
C) A person doesn’t feel pain during the suturing of the visual artists because it is one of the most experimental
incision by local anaesthesia despite a cut on his hand. arts.
D) Although a person who has a cut on his hand does not D) Apart from being one of the most experimental arts,
feel pain during the suturing of the incision with local music has also served as a great source of inspiration for
anaesthesia, he can move his hand. visual artists.
E) A person who has a cut on his hand does not feel pain E) Music has not only been one of the most experimental
during the suturing of the incision with local anaesthesia; arts, but it has also served as a great source of inspiration
he can move his hand, though. for visual artists.