P. 223

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                               Translation (TUR-ENG)-2

                                                                 2021 YDT
           Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
                                                               3.  Vücudumuz karbonhidratları hızla yakıta dönüştürebilir,
                                                                   bu nedenle yoğun bir egzersizde tavsiye edilirler, ancak
                                                                   yağ daha yavaş yakılır, ki bu da onu yavaş egzersizler için
          2020 YDT
                                                                   ideal bir yakıt hâline getirir.
        1.  İnsanları  hayvanlardan  ayıran  temel  özellik,  insanların   A)  Our body can quickly turn carbohydrates into fuel, so they
            kendileri  ve  çevreleri  arasında  aracılık  eden  karmaşık   are recommended in an intense workout, but fat is burned
            göstergeler yaratma yetisidir.
                                                                      more slowly, making it an ideal fuel for slow exercise.
            A)  Humans are capable of creating sophisticated signs   B)  Our body can quickly turn carbohydrates into fuel, and
               that mediate between them and their environment, and   thus  they are recommended  in  an  intense  workout,
               this is the main feature that discriminates humans from   whereas  fat  is  an ideal  fuel  for  slow  exercise  as  it  is
               animals.                                               burned more slowly.
            B)  The basic feature that distinguishes humans from animals   C)  Carbohydrates are recommended in an intense workout
               is humans’ capacity to create sophisticated signs that   as our body can quickly turn them into fuel; however, fat,
               mediate between them and their environment.            an ideal fuel for slow exercise, is burned more slowly.
            C)  Humans differ from animals in that they are able to create   D)  Our body burns fat more slowly, which makes it an ideal
               sophisticated signs that mediate between them and their   fuel for slow exercise, but carbohydrates are quickly
               environment, which is a key feature of humans.         turned into fuel; therefore, they are recommended in an
            D)  Humans’ capacity to create sophisticated signs that   intense workout.
               mediate between them and their environment is a feature   E)  Recommended in an intense workout, carbohydrates are
               that clearly distinguishes humans from animals.        quickly turned into fuel by our body, but fat is burned more
            E)  Humans have the capacity to create sophisticated signs   slowly, and this makes it an ideal fuel for slow exercise.
               that  mediate  between  them  and  their  environment,
               which is a crucial feature that differentiates humans from

          2021 YDT
        2.  Niyetimiz  iyi  olduğunda  dahi  basit  bir  müdahale  bazen   4.  Teknolojik gelişmelerin artması, geçmişe göre artık işlerin
            orman  tahribatı,  erozyon  ve  sel  gibi  problemlere  yol   daha  kolay  halledilmesi,  bilgiye  anında  ulaşılabilmesi,
            açarak bütün bir ekosistemi mahvedebilir.              sağlık   sorunlarının   mücadelesinde   ilerlemelerinin
                                                                   görülmesi gibi birçok yeniliğe kapı açmıştır.
            A)  Even when our intention is good, a simple intervention
               can sometimes destroy an entire ecosystem by resulting   A)  The increase in technological developments has opened
               in problems such as deforestation, erosion, and flooding.  doors  to  many  innovations,  such  as  doing  things  more
                                                                      easily compared to the past, instant access to information,
            B)  No matter how good our intention is, even a simple
                                                                      and progress in the struggle against health problems.
               intervention can sometimes lead to the destruction of an
               entire ecosystem, resulting in problems like deforestation,   B)  Technological developments have made it easier to do
               erosion, and flooding.                                 things simply, reach information fast and solve problems
                                                                      in the health service.
            C)  Even though our intention is good, with a simple
               intervention we can sometimes destroy an entire     C)  There have been so many improvements in technology
               ecosystem by causing problems like deforestation,      that people can work easily, get information rapidly, and
               erosion, and flooding.                                 get better service in the health sector.
            D)  Even if our intention is good when we make a simple   D)  Technology has improved many people’s lives thanks
               intervention, problems such as deforestation, erosion, and   to innovations like doing things easily, rapid information,
               flooding can sometimes destroy an entire ecosystem.    and fighting against problems in health.
            E)  An entire ecosystem can sometimes be destroyed by a   E)  Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in
               simple intervention even if our intention is good, which   technological improvements in the information and health
               leads to such problems as deforestation, erosion, and   sectors.

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