P. 224

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        5.  Estetik;  hissetme,  duyma,  dokunma  ve  hayal  etmenin   7.  Tüm zamanların en yüksek hâsılata ulaşan filmi Avatar’ın
            birleşip  bütünleşerek  somut  anlamlar  oluşturduğu  her   yönetmeni James Cameron’ın asıl planı filmi 1999 yılında,
            yerde  olduğu  için  öğrencilerin  edinmesi  gereken  bir   Titanik’ten  kısa  süre  sonra  çıkartmaktı  fakat  istediği
            düşünme şekli olarak görülmelidir.                     görsel efektler o dönemde çok pahalı olduğu için film 8
                                                                   yıl beklemek zorunda kaldı.
            A)  Aesthetics is a way of thinking that students should
               acquire, as it is everywhere in which feeling, hearing,   A)  James Cameron, the director of Avatar, the highest-grossing
               touching, and imagining combine and create concrete    film of all time, wanted to release the film in 1999, shortly
               meanings.                                              after Titanic, but the film had to wait 8 years because the
                                                                      visual effects he wanted were too expensive at the time.
            B)  As  a  way  of  thinking  that  students  should  acquire,
               aesthetics is everywhere in which feeling, hearing,   B)  The original plan of James Cameron, the director of Avatar,
               touching,  and  imagination  combine  and  form  concrete   the highest-grossing film of all time, was to release the film
               meanings.                                              in 1999, shortly after Titanic, but the film had to wait 8 years
                                                                      because of the visual effects he wanted were too expensive
            C)  Aesthetics  is  the  combination  of  feeling,  hearing,
                                                                      at the time.
               touching, and imagining to create concrete meanings,
               so it should be seen as a way of thinking that students   C)  The director of Avatar, James Cameron, planned to release
               should acquire.                                        the film in 1999, shortly after  Titanic, but he had to wait
                                                                      8  years  because  the  visual  effects he  wanted were too
            D)  Students must have an aesthetic way of thinking so that
               feeling, hearing, touching, and imagining can combine to   expensive at the time.
               create tangible meanings everywhere.                D)  The original plan of James Cameron, the director of Avatar,
                                                                      the highest-grossing film of all time, was to release the film
            E)  Aesthetics should be seen as a way of thinking that
               students should acquire since it is everywhere in which   in 1999, shortly after  Titanic, but he had to wait 8 years
               feeling,  hearing,  touching,  and  imagining  combine  and   because the visual effects were too expensive at the time.
               form concrete meanings.                             E)  James Cameron, who is the director of Avatar, the highest-
                                                                      grossing film of all time, wanted to release the film Avatar in
                                                                      1999, shortly after Titanic, but the film had to wait 8 years
                                                                      because of the visual effects he wanted were too expensive
                                                                      at the time.

        6.  Arılar  tarafından  ormangülünden  elde  edilen  zehirli   8.  MÖ 1. yüzyılda yaşamış olan Antik Yunan şairi Selanikli
            bir  madde  içeren  delibal,  aşırı  tüketildiğinde  kalp  ritim   Philip,  yazılarından  birinde  kurşundan  yapılmış  yazı
            bozukluğu ve düşük tansiyona neden olur.               gereçlerinden  bahsetmiştir,  fakat  bildiğimiz  şekliyle
                                                                   modern kalemin tarihi ancak 1565’e kadar uzanmaktadır.
            A)  Andromedotoxin is obtained from rhododendron by bees,
               and when consumed a lot, the person may experience   A)  The Ancient Greek poet Philip of Thessaloniki, living in
               heart rhythm disorder or low blood pressure.           the 1  century BC, mentioned leaden writing instruments
                                                                      in one of his writings, but the modern pencil, as we know
            B)  Andromedotoxin, which contains a poisonous ingredient
               extracted  from rhododendron by  bees, causes          it, dates back to 1565.
               cardiac  arrhythmia  and hypotension  when  consumed   B)  Living in the 1  century BC, the Ancient Greek poet Philip
               excessively.                                           of  Thessaloniki  was  the  first  to  mention  leaden  writing
                                                                      instruments in one of his writings, but the modern pencil,
            C)  When andromedotoxin is consumed excessively, it
                                                                      as we know it, only dates back to 1565.
               causes heart rhythm disorders and low blood pressure
               because of the toxic content of the rhododendron from   C)  The Ancient Greek poet Philip of Thessaloniki, who
               which it is obtained.                                  lived in the 1  century BC, mentioned leaden writing
                                                                      instruments in one of his writings, but the modern pencil,
            D)  Andromedotoxin, which contains a poisonous substance
               obtained from rhododendron by bees, causes not only    as we know it, only dates back to 1565.
               heart rhythm disorder but also low blood pressure when   D)  Though the modern pencil, as we know it, only dates back
               consumed excessively.                                  to 1565, the Ancient Greek poet Philip of Thessaloniki,
                                                                      who lived in the 1  century BC, mentioned leaden writing
            E)  Andromedotoxin,  which  contains a  toxic  substance
                                                                      instruments in one of his writings.
               obtained from rhododendron by bees, is not recommended
               to be consumed excessively.                         E)  The Ancient Greek poet Philip of Thessaloniki, who
                                                                      lived in the 1  century BC, wrote about leaden writing
                                                                      instruments, but the modern pencil, as we know it, only
                                                                      dates back to 1565.

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