P. 230
2018 YDT 2019 YDT
5. Gıda güvenliği kuruluşları, klonlanan hayvanlar ve onların 7. Düşen doğum oranları ve yaşlanan nüfus sonucunda,
yavrularından elde edilen yiyeceklerin insan tüketimi bazı zengin ülkeler küçülecek ve daha az etkili olacaktır.
için güvenli olup olmadığına dair hiçbir bilimsel gerekçe
olmadığını beyan ettiler. A) Some rich countries with falling birth rates and aging
population will get smaller and less influential as a result.
A) Food safety agencies have declared that they have not
yet found any scientific reasons concerning the safe B) As a result of falling birth rates and aging population, some
consumption of food from cloned animals and their rich countries will become smaller and less effective.
offspring by humans. C) Decreasing birth rates and aging population are the
B) There are no scientific reasons whether people can safely reason why some rich countries are getting smaller and
consume food from cloned animals and their offspring, less efficient.
which has been declared by food safety agencies.
D) Falling birth rates and aging population will eventually
C) There are no scientific reasons declared by food safety cause some of the rich countries to become smaller and
agencies as to whether food from cloned animals and less effective.
their offspring is safe for human consumption.
E) Getting smaller and less influential is the consequence of
D) Food safety agencies have declared that whether food decreasing birth rates and aging population in some rich
from cloned animals and their offspring is safe for human countries.
consumption cannot be explained with any scientific
E) Food safety agencies have declared that there are no
scientific reasons whether food from cloned animals and
their offspring is safe for human consumption.
2019 YDT
6. Böbreklerimizin kaldırabileceğinden daha fazla su
tüketirsek, kanımızdaki sodyum ve diğer elektrolitlerin
yoğunluğu azalmaya başlar ve belirli bir noktadan sonra
hücrelerimiz kontrolsüz bir şekilde su emer.
A) Even if more water than our kidneys can tolerate is
consumed, the concentration of sodium and other
electrolytes in our blood can begin to drop and beyond a
certain point, our cells uncontrollably absorb this water.
2019 YDT
B) When we consume more water than our kidneys 8. İnci üretmek, istiridyenin bir parazitten ya da
can tolerate, the concentration of sodium and other yaralanmadan korunması için tasarlanmış bir bağışıklık
electrolytes in our blood drops and beyond a certain sistemi tepkisidir.
point, excessive water will be absorbed uncontrollably by
our cells. A) Making pearls is an immune system response designed
C) Consuming more water than our kidneys can tolerate to protect the oyster from a parasite or an injury.
will decrease the concentration of sodium and other
B) An oyster protects itself from a parasite or an injury by
electrolytes in our blood and beyond a certain point, our
making pearls, which is a response designed by the
cells will uncontrollably absorb water.
immune system.
D) If we consume more water than our kidneys can tolerate,
C) Designed as an immune system response, making pearls
the concentration of sodium and other electrolytes in our
protects oysters from a parasite or an injury.
blood begins to drop and beyond a certain point, our cells
uncontrollably absorb water. D) By producing pearls, an oyster gives a response designed
E) The concentration of sodium and other electrolytes in our to protect its immune system from a parasite or an injury.
blood begins to drop and beyond a certain point, our cells E) An oyster produces pearls to protect itself from a parasite
will uncontrollably absorb water when more water than or an injury because it is a response designed by the
our kidneys can tolerate is consumed. immune system.