P. 234

ENGLISH                                                                                   3  STEP-C

        5.  Nijerya’da  bir  kasaba  olan  Igbo-Ora,  dünyanın  ikiz   7.  Yüksek  teknoloji  şirketleri,  altyapılarını  kurmak  için  ilk
            başkenti olarak bilinir ve her 1,000 yenidoğanda 158 ikiz   kuruluş  aşamalarında  büyük  miktarlarda  paraya  ihtiyaç
            vardır, bu da küresel ortalamanın on katından fazladır.  duyduğundan  dolayı,  borsalardan  elde  edilen  sermaye,
                                                                   yeni girişimler için en  önemli kaynaklardan biri olmuştur.
            A)  Having 158 twins for every 1,000 newborns, more than
               ten times the global average, Igbo-Ora, a town in Nigeria,   A)  As high-tech corporations need a large sum of money in
               is accepted as the twin capital of the world.          the early setup phases to establish their infrastructures,
                                                                      the fund from stock exchanges has always been the most
            B)  Igbo-Ora, a town in Nigeria, is known as the twin capital
                                                                      important resource for start-ups.
               of the world, and there are 158 twins for every 1,000
                                                                   B)  Because high-tech companies that need large sums
               newborns, which is more than ten times the global
                                                                      of money set up their infrastructures at the initial setup
                                                                      stage, the capital from the stock markets has been one of
            C)  The twin capital of the world is Igbo-Ora, a town in Nigeria,   the most crucial funds for those start-ups.
               where there are 158 twins for every 1,000 infants, which   C)  The capital obtained from the stock exchanges has been
               is more than ten times the global average.             one of the most important resources for the new venture;
            D)  Igbo-Ora, a town in Nigeria, is well-known for having 158   that’s why high technology companies need large sums
               twins for every 1,000 newborns, making it the twin capital   of money to establish their infrastructure at the initial
               of the world, and this is more than ten times the global   setup stages.
               average.                                            D)  Since high-tech companies need large amounts of money
                                                                      to set up their infrastructures in the initial establishment
            E)  A town in Nigeria, Igbo-Ora, is acknowledged as the twin
                                                                      stages, the capital obtained from the stock markets has
               capital of the world, and there are more than 158 twins for
                                                                      been one of the most important resources for the new
               every 1,000 newborns, which is more than ten times the
               global average.
                                                                   E)  The capital provided by the stock markets has been one
                                                                      of the most crucial resources for these new ventures
                                                                      for high-tech companies, which need large amounts of
                                                                      money to set up their infrastructures in the initial setup

        6.  Türkiye’nin güneybatısındaki Denizli şehrinde muhteşem
            bir  antik  kaplıca  vahası  olan  Pamukkale’nin  taşlaşmış
            beyaz  şelaleleri,  UNESCO’nun  dünya  mirası  listesine
            aldığı bir doğa harikası oluşturur.
                                                               8.  Güneş  sistemindeki  en  büyük  uydu  olan  Jüpiter’in
            A)  The petrified white waterfalls of Pamukkale in Türkiye’s   uydusu  Ganymede,  Dünya  gibi  gezegenlerde  bulunan
               south-western city of Denizli  are a natural wonder that   bir  manyetik  alana  sahip  olmasına  rağmen,  hafifliği
               UNESCO has listed as a world heritage site with its   nedeniyle bir gezegen olarak kabul edilmez.
               spectacular ancient hot springs oasis.
                                                                   A)  Ganymede, the moon of  Jupiter, the largest moon in
            B)  Forming a natural wonder that UNESCO has listed as    the solar system, has a magnetic field found on planets;
               a world heritage site, the petrified white waterfalls of   however,  it  is  not  considered  a planet  because of  its
               Pamukkale are one of the spectacular ancient hot springs   lightweight.
               oases in Türkiye’s south-western city of Denizli.   B)  Despite having a magnetic field found on planets like
                                                                      Earth, Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, the largest moon
            C)  The petrified white waterfalls of Pamukkale in Türkiye’s
                                                                      in the solar system, is not considered a planet due to its
               south-western city of Denizli are a spectacular ancient
               hot springs oasis, and they form a natural wonder that
               UNESCO has listed as a world heritage site.         C)  Although Ganymede, Jupiter’s and solar system’s largest
                                                                      moon, has a magnetic field similar to that of planets, it is
            D)  UNESCO has listed the petrified white waterfalls of   not labelled as a planet due to its lightness.
               Pamukkale, which form a natural wonder and are a
                                                                   D)  As Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, the largest moon in
               spectacular ancient hot springs oasis in Türkiye’s south-
                                                                      the solar system, has a magnetic field found on planets, it
               western city of Denizli, as a world heritage site.
                                                                      is not considered a planet because of its lightweight.
            E)  The petrified white waterfalls of Pamukkale, a spectacular   E)  Because  of its lightweight, Ganymede, the  moon  of
               ancient hot springs oasis in Türkiye’s south-western city   Jupiter, the largest moon in the solar system, is not
               of Denizli, form a natural wonder that UNESCO has listed   considered a planet, yet it has a magnetic field found on
               as a world heritage site.                              planets like Earth.

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