P. 233

ENGLISH                                             3
                                               Translation (TUR-ENG)-3

                                                               3.  Buhar  türbinlerinden  farklı  olarak,  katı  hal  enerji
           Verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi   dönüştürücülerinin  iki  önemli  avantajı,  daha  yüksek
           bulunuz.                                                sıcaklıklarda çalışabilmeleri ve hareketli parçaları olmadığı
                                                                   için daha az bakım gerektirmeleridir.
          2021 YDT
                                                                   A)  In contrast to steam turbines, two critical advantages of
        1.  Adını içerisinden akan Amazon Nehri’nden alan Amazon
                                                                      solid-state energy converters are that they require less
            yağmur  ormanı,  neredeyse  Avustralya  kadar  büyük  bir
                                                                      maintenance while they can operate at high temperatures
            alanı kaplayan geniş bir tropikal orman bölgesidir.
                                                                      due to their lack of moving parts.
            A)  The name of the Amazon rainforest, which is a vast   B)  Compared to steam turbines, solid-state energy converters
               tract of tropical forest that covers an area almost as big   offer  us  two  significant  advantages: they can operate  at
                                                                      greater temperatures and require less maintenance due to
               as Australia, comes from the Amazon River that flows
                                                                      their lack of moving components.
               through it.
                                                                   C)  Unlike steam turbines, two important advantages of solid-
            B)  The Amazon rainforest, named after the Amazon River
                                                                      state energy converters are that they can operate at higher
               that flows through it, is a large tract of tropical forest and   temperatures and require less maintenance as they have
               occupies an area almost as big as Australia.           no moving parts.
            C)  The  Amazon  rainforest,  the  vast  tract  of  tropical  forest   D)  In comparison to steam turbines, requiring less maintenance
               that covers an area almost as big as Australia, is named   and running at elevated temperatures due to their absence
               after the Amazon River that flows through it.          of moving components are the major advantages of solid-
                                                                      state energy converters.
            D)  Named after the Amazon River that flows through it, the
                                                                   E)  Dissimilar to steam turbines, two major advantages of
               Amazon rainforest is a vast tract of tropical forest covering
                                                                      solid-state energy converters are that they have no moving
               an area almost as big as Australia.
                                                                      parts, so they can operate at higher temperatures with lower
            E)  The Amazon rainforest, a large tract of tropical forest that   maintenance costs.
               occupies an area almost as big as Australia, got its name
               from the Amazon River that flows through it.

                                                               4.  Bir zamanlar güçlü bir Yunan kolonisi olarak bilinen Güney
                                                                   İtalya’daki  bir  arkeolojik  alan  olan  Velia’da  iki  savaşçı
          2021 YDT
                                                                   miğferi, silah parçaları ve bir tapınağın kalıntıları keşfedildi.
        2.  Nerede  olursa  olsunlar,  böceklerin  dayanıklılığı  ve
                                                                   A)  Archaeologists have discovered two warrior helmets,
            beslenme  esnekliği  onları  ekolojik  değişimin  eşsiz
                                                                      weapon fragments, and the remains of a temple at Velia,
            tanıkları yapar.
                                                                      an archaeological site in southern Italy that was once a
            A)  No matter where they are, beetles are among unique    powerful Greek colony.
               witnesses to ecological change with their hardiness and   B)  Two warrior helmets, weapon fragments, and the remains
               dietary flexibility.                                   of a temple have been discovered on an archaeological site
                                                                      called Velia in southern Italy, which was once a powerful
            B)  Wherever they are, beetles’ hardiness and dietary
                                                                      Greek colony.
               flexibility make them unique witnesses to ecological
                                                                   C)  Two warrior helmets, weapon fragments and the remains of
                                                                      a temple have been discovered at Velia, an archaeological
            C)  Beetles become unique witnesses to ecological change   site in southern Italy that was once known as a powerful
               wherever they are despite their hardiness and dietary   Greek colony.
               flexibility.                                        D)  On the archaeological site Velia in southern Greece that
            D)  Beetles, with their hardiness and dietary flexibility, are   was once a powerful Italian colony, two warrior helmets,
                                                                      weapon fragments, and the remains of a temple have been
               unique in that they witness ecological change regardless
               of where they are.
                                                                   E)  Velia is not only an archaeological site in southern Italy that
            E)  Wherever they are, beetles can witness ecological
                                                                      was once a powerful Greek colony but is also home to the
               change in a unique way thanks to their hardiness and   remains of a temple along with two warrior helmets and
               dietary flexibility.                                   weapon fragments.

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