P. 232

ENGLISH                                                                                  3  STEP-B

          2020 YDT                                               2021 YDT
        5.  Susuz  kalmak  sağlığımız  için  iyi  değildir  ancak  su   7.  Yazı, genellikle ekonomik ve idari kayıtları tutmak ya da
            ihtiyacımızı  karşılamak  için  günde  sekiz  bardak  su   dinî amaçlar için farklı kültürlerde bağımsız olarak gelişti.
            içmemiz  gerektiği  fikrinin  de  hiçbir  bilimsel  dayanağı
                                                                   A)  Usually used for keeping economic and administrative
                                                                      records or religious purposes, writing evolved separately
            A)  Being dehydrated is not good for our health, but the idea   in different cultures.
               that we need to drink eight glasses of water a day in order
                                                                   B)  Writing was generally used to keep economic and
               to stay hydrated has also no scientific background.
                                                                      administrative records or for religious purposes, evolving
            B)  Being dehydrated is not good for health; however, the   separately in different cultures.
               claim that we must drink eight glasses of water a day to   C)  Writing evolved separately in different cultures, usually to
               stay hydrated has not been scientifically proved yet.  keep economic and administrative records or for religious
            C)  Although the idea that we need to drink eight glasses of   purposes.
               water a day to stay hydrated does not have any scientific
                                                                   D)  Writing developed in separate cultures, usually for
               background, being dehydrated is not good for our health
                                                                      keeping economic and administrative records as well as
                                                                      religious purposes.
            D)  Being dehydrated has no benefits for our health, but the   E)  The development of writing was different in separate
               idea that we should drink eight glasses of water a day to   cultures as it was usually used for keeping economic and
               stay hydrated is not based on scientific proof either.  administrative records instead of religious purposes.
            E)  There is no scientific evidence to prove the idea that we
               should drink eight glasses of water a day in order to stay
               hydrated, but being dehydrated is not good for our health

                                                                 2021 YDT
                                                               8.  Kalabalık  şehirlerde  yeşil  alanların  azlığı  bir  sorundur
                                                                   ve  bu  da  çevre  mühendislerinin  yenilikçi  çözümler
                                                                   sunmasını gerektirir.
          2020 YDT                                                 A)  A shortage of green space is an issue in crowded cities
                                                                      and this requires that environmental engineers come up
        6.  Yeni meydana gelen bir yaralanma için uygulanmaması
                                                                      with innovative solutions.
            gerekse  de  sıcaklık  uzun  süreli  kas  ağrılarına  faydalı
            olabilir.                                              B)  A shortage of green space is a problem in crowded cities
                                                                      where environmental engineers have to come up with
            A)  Although it should not be used for a fresh injury, heat can   innovative solutions.
               be beneficial for long-term muscle pains.
                                                                   C)  Crowded cities face a shortage of green space and this
            B)  Heat cannot be used for an injury that is fresh but you   issue urges environmental engineers to come up with
               might use it for long-term muscle pains.               creative solutions.
            C)  Heat can be effective for long-term muscle pains, though   D)  A shortage of green space is an issue that compels
               you should not use it for a fresh injury.              environmental  engineers  to  come  up  with  original

            D)  No matter how beneficial heat can be for long-term    solutions in crowded cities.
               muscle pains, it should not be used for fresh injuries.  E)  The problem in crowded cities is the shortage of green
            E)  Heat, which should not be used for fresh injuries, can be   space, which makes environmental engineers come up
               used for long-term muscle pains.                       with innovative solutions.

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