P. 198

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        5.  After a tiring morning, you go to a restaurant for lunch.   7.  One of your friends, who has a doctorate’s degree and
            Even though almost an hour has passed since your       several studies in the field of economy published in
            order, your food has not been served yet. You have very   journals with a high impact factor, decides to migrate
            little time left to go back to work. Seeing the customers   to another country, where he thinks his studies will be
            who ordered after you have already eaten their meal, you   appreciated much more. As a person who has intense
            lose your temper. So, you call out the waiter and say   patriotic  feelings, you  criticise his decision  by saying:
            sarcastically and sternly: _______                     _______
            A)  Excuse me, it’s been over an hour since I ordered my   A)  Scientists who have gone abroad to work in better
               food, but it’s okay as I’m not very hungry. May I know just   conditions have always come up with new inventions, so
               how long will it take?                                 I do not think that your decision is irrational.
            B)  It’s been about an hour since I ordered but still not served.   B)  Wherever you go, you will see that nobody gives
               Can you please make sure the chef didn’t miss it?      importance to science as much as they used to. Now, the
                                                                      only thing that matters is money.
            C)  Sorry, I can’t wait any longer. If you don’t bring my food in
               a few minutes, will you cancel my order?            C)  Your idea of leaving your homeland just because of
                                                                      monetary issues makes a lot of sense to me.
            D)  Excuse me, when my  order is  ready, can  you do a
               takeaway, please? I do not have time to eat here as I   D)  I wish all the academicians thought like you. It would be
               have to go back to work.                               the time when our country would develop much more.
            E)  If you’re doing some kind of camera prank testing how   E)  When the country in which you were born, raised, and
               long I can endure hunger, you have picked the wrong    educated needs you, it’s not ethical or moral to leave it for
               person. I want my food right now.                      the sake of better opportunities.

        6.  In the office where everyone uses their own cup for   8.  Recently, the government has shifted the focus to space
            coffee, you unconsciously use a friend’s cup of the same   exploration and has been spending too much money on it.
            colour as yours. Your friend is mad at you since she is   The people are divided into two groups: those who favour
            too picky. You want to apologise to her by saying you did   it, and those who do not. As all the developed countries
            not do this on purpose and can make up for your mistake,   in the world have been working on it for decades, you
            so you say: _______                                    think it is high time the government took the initial step.
                                                                   While discussing its pros and cons with your friends, you
            A)  I’m sorry, but there’s no need to exaggerate. It’s just a
                                                                   state your point: _______
               cup. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.
                                                                   A)  Only when the prosperity of citizens is ensured should
            B)  I am really sorry for my carelessness because I didn’t do
                                                                      that amount of money be spent on long-term investments.
               it deliberately. Please let me compensate for it by buying
               you a new cup tomorrow.                             B)  Both parties are equally right, yet it’s the government to
                                                                      decide what should be done on this matter.
            C)  Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose, so you don’t need to
               look for another reason underneath. Don’t worry, it won’t   C)  We should have started exploring space much earlier,
               happen again.                                          when the developed countries started their space
            D)  I’m sorry. I wanted to use your cup for once because I
               forgot my own cup at home. I wouldn’t have done it if I   D)  Although I favour such innovative projects, spending on
               had known you’d be angry.                              too much money on space exploration rather than on the
                                                                      welfare of the country is debatable.
            E)  The things you have told me for a coffee cup are really
               shameful even though I said I didn’t do it on purpose. Do   E)  The success of the project will most probably reunite the
               not talk to me from now on.                            people who are believed to be divided because of their
                                                                      stand on this topic.

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