P. 187

ENGLISH                                             2 ND

                                                               3.  In addition to the health problems, obesity may also causes
           Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.       psychological problems such as loss of confidence and
                                                                   alienation from society, depending on the change in the
        1.  Physical activity, which is necessary for successful obesity
                                                                   person’s physique.
            treatment, not only increases energy expenditure but also
            prevents the development of diabetes and cardiovascular   A)  Psychological  difficulties  such as shyness and  social
            diseases by increasing insulin sensitivity.               isolation may occur due to the changes in obese people’s
                                                                      bodies, even if they do not have health issues.
            A)  Physical activity increases energy expenditure and reduces
               diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity; therefore, obesity   B)  Obesity can cause both physical and psychological issues
               treatment succeeds.                                    due to being alone and insecure because of not being able
                                                                      to wear favourite clothes.
            B)  Successful obesity therapy results from physical activity and
               increasing insulin  sensitivity  prevents  diabetes  and  heart   C)  When a person’s physical appearance has changed, some
               disease.                                               psychological issues, such as shyness and social isolation,
                                                                      can be experienced apart from health issues.
            C)  Obesity is treated with physical activity, which prevents both
               the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases   D)  As a result of their physical changes, obese people
               with the help of insulin sensitivity.                  experience psychological laziness and loneliness, as well
                                                                      as several health problems.
            D)  Physical exercise, essential for successful obesity therapy,
               boosts energy expenditure while simultaneously preventing   E)  Depending on the individual’s physical change, obesity
               diabetes and cardiovascular disease by increasing insulin   might lead to psychological problems such as lack of
               sensitivity.                                           confidence and poor social skills besides health problems.
            E)  For successful obesity treatment, physical exercise is
               necessary either to boost energy expenditure or to reduce
               the development of diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity.

        2.  Robots  and  AI  technology  will  inevitably  replace  many   4.  The astronomers say that the newly discovered planet
            more data-driven business functions, but humans and    orbiting Proxima Centauri is one of the lightest exoplanets
            machines will work together to achieve optimal efficiency.  ever found and only a quarter of the mass of the Earth.
            A)  Although robots and AI will replace a greater number of   A)  The newly discovered planet orbiting  Proxima Centauri,
               data-driven  corporate  operations,  humans  and  machines   according to astronomers, is one of the lightest exoplanets
               will collaborate to achieve maximum efficiency.        ever detected as it weighs barely a fourth of the mass of
            B)  Several more data-driven corporate functions will
               unavoidably  be  replaced  by  robots  and  AI  technologies;   B)  The new-found planet around Proxima Centauri is indeed
               however,  people  and  machines  will  collaborate  to  obtain   one of the least dense exoplanets ever examined, weighing
               maximum efficiency.                                    about a quarter of Earth’s mass, the astronomers say.
            C)  Robots and AI technology will eventually take over many   C)  According to the astronomers, the discovery of a new planet
               jobs, but they will make the most efficient use of time and   around Proxima Centauri has revealed that it is one of the
               resources if humans and machines work together.        lightest exoplanets ever seen due to the Earth’s mass.
            D)  Even if humans and machines collaborate to achieve   D)  The astronomers state that the lightest exoplanet ever found
               maximum efficiency, robots and Al will inevitably replace   is the newly discovered planet orbiting Proxima Centauri,
               data-driven corporate operations.                      which is about a quarter of the mass of the Earth.
            E)  In addition to robots and AI technology, people and   E)  According to the astronomers, the recently found planet
               machines will undoubtedly work together to get optimal   orbiting Proxima Centauri, with a mass of just a fourth of our
               efficiency for several additional data-driven business tasks.  planet, is among the lightest exoplanets yet identified.

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