P. 185
3. A new study by scientists from Harvard University reports
Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz. that as the air quality in offices deteriorates, the cognitive
functions of employees decrease.
1. Although brand placement practices in films and
A) When the air in offices starts to be at low levels, the staff
television shows have been used since the beginning
of the 20 century, they have recently become more have less motivation to work, according to a new study by
scientists from Harvard University.
B) In a new study at Harvard University, scientists have
A) Although having been around since the early 20 century, found that the worse the air quality in offices gets, the
brand placement practices in films and television shows fewer cognitive functions employees have.
have recently become more prevalent. C) Scientists from Harvard University state in a new study
B) Even though they have been in use since the beginning that offices should be ventilated well in order for the
of the 20 century, brand placement techniques in films employees to work more functionally.
and television shows have only recently become more D) The employees’ brains will work at full capacity on
prevalent in popular culture. condition that offices get enough fresh air, a new study by
C) Brand placement practices in films and television shows scientists from Harvard University says.
have recently become more common even though they E) A new study by scientists from Harvard University
were used in the early 20 century. demonstrates that unless the air quality in offices is
D) Brand placement practices in films and television shows improved, employees’ performance will stay stable.
have recently become more prevalent because producers
are not aware of their use since the beginning of the 20
E) As a result of being used since the early 20 century,
brand placement strategies in films and television shows
have recently become more prevalent.
2. The parachute, which was first developed as a sporting 4. Given the importance and benefits of marine omega-3
tool, was later widely used by airborne personnel and for fatty acids, eating fish or other seafood is recommended
material supply in times of war and peace. once or twice a week.
A) First developed as a sporting instrument, the parachute A) Health experts recommend that two servings of seafood
became commonly available in time for airborne staff and one or two times per week could help to improve omega-3
material delivery during wars and peacetime. fatty acids.
B) The parachute, already made to use as a way to play B) The beneficial effects of eating seafood rich in omega-3s
games, was occasionally used by airborne personnel and are well-known, so people of all ages should consume
material supply in times of war and peace. seafood twice a week.
C) The parachute was initially developed as a leisure C) Eating fish at least twice a week as part of a healthy diet
instrument but later gained widespread fame among leads to a significant increase in marine omega-3 fatty
airborne personnel and for material supply during war acids, vital to human health.
and peace. D) A healthy and balanced diet had better include at least
D) The parachute, which was initially utilised for airborne two portions of fish per week since marine omega-3 fatty
personnel and material delivery in war and peace, later acids have enormous benefits.
became a sports tool. E) It is necessary to consume fish or other seafood one or
E) The parachute was originally designed as a sporting tool two times per week, considering that marine omega-3
and is now widely employed for airborne personnel and fatty acids are significant and beneficial.
material supply in war and peace.