P. 183

ENGLISH                                             3 RD

                                                                   2020 YDT
           Verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                               3.  Despite  its  small  size,  Costa  Rica,  whose  geography
                                                                   varies from rainforests to arid regions, is home to some
            2018 YDT                                               of the most intense biodiversity in the world.
        1.  Growth is more gradual in childhood than in infancy, but
            this is a time when new skills and knowledge are rapidly   A)  Costa Rica has got one of the highest levels of biodiversity
            acquired.                                                 in the world, and rainforests and arid regions make up the
                                                                      majority of the small country’s diverse geography.
            A)  When compared to infancy, people grow up more slowly
                                                                   B)  Partly because Costa Rica has a geography that ranges
               throughout their childhood, though they gain new abilities
                                                                      from rainforests to arid regions, the small country
               and knowledge fast.
                                                                      possesses some of the richest biodiversity in the world.
            B)  People get more knowledgable and develop new skills
                                                                   C)  With a diverse geography including rainforests and arid
               more rapidly in infancy than they do in childhood, when
                                                                      regions, Costa Rica has some of the richest biodiversity
               they grow up slowly.
                                                                      in the world although it is a small country.
            C)  The pace at which people acquire new abilities and
                                                                   D)  Costa Rica’s small size does not prevent it from boasting
               knowledge, and grow up is more gradual in childhood
                                                                      some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world,
               than in infancy.
                                                                      partly due to its geography ranging from rainforests to
            D)  People who grow up faster in infancy develop new      arid regions.
               capabilities and knowledge in a longer period of time in   E)  While Costa Rica is blessed with some of the most intense
                                                                      biodiversity in the world, it is one of the smallest countries
            E)  Growing up more slowly in infancy does not necessarily   possessing a geography ranging from rainforests to arid
               mean  that acquiring  new skills  and  knowledge  in   regions.
               childhood will be fast.

            2019 YDT
        2.  Materials found under water are preserved differently from   4.  The development of durable, lightweight fabrics for
            materials found on land, so underwater archaeologists   backpacking equipment has proven that strength and
            must know how to handle them without destroying the    lightweight are not mutually exclusive.
            valuable information they reveal.
                                                                   A)  The idea that strength and lightweight cannot exist
            A)  Underwater archaeologists have to know how to deal with   together in fabric has been confuted by the development
               objects found under water and the ones found on land   of solid and lightweight fabrics for backpacking equipment.
               as they can be easily harmed if they do not pay enough
                                                                   B)  Either strength or lightweight can exist in fabrics of
               attention to them.
                                                                      backpacking equipment, or else it would tear down or
            B)  Not to give harm to the precious information they will   become extremely heavy.
               provide, underwater archaeologists have to preserve
                                                                   C)  The advances in light and robust fabric technology lead to
               objects  found under water  carefully  because  they  are
                                                                      an interest in backpacking equipment and, thus, activities
               maintained differently from the ones found on land.
                                                                      in nature.
            C)  It is very difficult to protect the objects found under water   D)  The fabric of camping equipment must be strong and
               because, unlike the ones found on land, they can be    heavy so as to endure the harsh conditions of backpacking
               harmed easily, so underwater archaeologists cannot get   activities.
               enough information.
                                                                   E)  Both scientists and enthusiasts of backpacking activities
            D)  Knowing how to get enough information from them,      have mutually agreed that the stronger a fabric for
               underwater archaeologists show a great deal of effort not   equipment is, the heavier it is.
               to cause harm to the objects found under water which are
               different from the ones found on land.
            E)  Underwater archaeologists have to know how to deal with
               objects found under water without damaging the precious
               information they provide because the way they are kept
               is different from those found on land.

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