P. 182

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  Although many of us think about global warming and   7.  Besides healthy nutrition, children’s adopting a more
            climate change as synonyms, scientists use the term    active lifestyle, increasing their physical activity levels,
            ‘climate change’ to explain the complex shifts currently   and supporting them in this regard will make significant
            influencing our planet’s weather and climate systems.  contributions  to  the  social,  mental,  and  physical
                                                                   development of them.
            A)  Because scientists say that the effects of climate change
               on our planet’s complex weather and climate systems are   A)  In addition to a good diet, children should have a more
               similar, many of us consider global warming is a synonym   active life; otherwise, assisting them in this respect won’t
               for climate change.                                    make significant contributions to their social, mental, and
                                                                      physical development.
            B)  While many of us consider global warming and climate
               change are interchangeable, scientists refer to the current   B)  Despite a good diet, children should accept an active
               complex shifts affecting weather and climate systems of   lifestyle and increase their activity level if you want to help
               the planet as ‘climate change’.                        them be socially, mentally, and physically developed.
            C)  Despite being confused, scientists say that both global   C)  Adopting good nutrition and a more active lifestyle, your
               warming and climate change can be used to refer to the   children will make important contributions to their social,
               complex shifts currently affecting the earth’s weather and   mental, and physical development.
               climate systems.
                                                                   D)  Besides their nutrition, the most important thing to contribute
            D)  To describe the complex shifts now affecting our planet’s   to their social, mental, and physical development is to have
               weather and climate systems, scientists use the concept of   an active lifestyle which can be supported by the parents.
               ‘climate change’ instead of global warming because these
                                                                   E)  Children’s adoption of a more active lifestyle, raising their
               terms are completely different.
                                                                      physical activity levels, and helping them in this regard as
            E)  Scientists prefer to use ‘climate change’ to describe current   well as healthy nutrition will make major contributions to
               complex shifts that affect the earth’s weather and climate   their social, mental, and physical development.
               systems so that we do not confuse global warming with
               climate change.

        6.  According to the research conducted  by a psychology   8.  Making discounts and advertising frequently to announce
            magazine, it has been scientifically proven that intelligent   them to the target audience can sometimes cause negative
            people are happy when they are alone but unhappy when   feelings in customers, contrary to the expectations of
            they are in a crowd.                                   brands.
            A)  Intelligent people’s feelings of joy and sadness have   A)  Contrary to what is thought, customers have negative
               been  the  subject  of  scientific  research  conducted  by  a   feelings towards continuous discounts.
               psychology magazine for a long time.                B)  In contrary to the assumptions of brands, making discounts
            B)  A psychology magazine has proved in a scientific study   and  announcing  them  again  and  again  can  create  an
               that smart people enjoy solitude, yet they are displeased   adverse reaction in the customer from time to time.
               with lots of people around them.
                                                                   C)  As brands often think, offering discounts and re-advertising
            C)  The recent studies of a psychology magazine have focused   them can cause negative reactions from shoppers.
               on the difference between the feelings of happiness and
                                                                   D)  Customers follow the discounts offered by brands, but too
               sadness of smart people.
                                                                      many discounts cause negative emotions.
            D)  The research conducted by a psychology magazine has
                                                                   E)  Shoppers want to see discounts offered by brands, but too
               shown that intelligent people act as if they were happy
                                                                      many discounts trigger negative emotions.
               when they are in a crowd though they feel unhappy.
            E)  The fact that smart people are not as happy when they are
               alone as they are in a crowded place has been the concern
               of the research conducted by a psychology magazine.

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