P. 184

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        5.  ‘The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals’, adopted   7.  Such a great amount of waste is being concentrated in
            with the signature of 193 countries at the United Nations   the area that there is a strong probability of groundwater
            Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015,      contamination, so chemical tests should be carried out
            aim to meet the needs of today’s generations without   daily.
            compromising the needs of future generations.
                                                                   A)  As there is such a high concentration of waste in the area,
            A)  ‘The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals’, whose       there is a high risk of groundwater contamination, and for
               target is to address the needs of the present without   this reason, chemical tests need to be performed on a
               compromising the needs of future generations, was      daily basis.
               adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in
                                                                   B)  No matter how little amount of waste is concentrated in
               September 2015.
                                                                      the area, it is certain that groundwater is contaminated;
            B)  By adopting ‘the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals’ at   that is why daily chemical tests have to be carried out.
               the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September
                                                                   C)  Given the amount of waste being concentrated in the
               2015, 193 countries agreed to meet the needs of future
                                                                      area, groundwater contamination is unavoidable, hence
               generations without compromising the present.
                                                                      chemical tests are supposed to be administered every day.
            C)  Signed  by  193 countries  at  the  UN  Sustainable   D)  It is vital that chemical tests be carried out on a daily basis
               Development  Summit  in  September  2015,  ‘the  2030   in the area since groundwater contamination has made
               Sustainable Development Goals’ target to address the   the lives of the residents very difficult.
               needs of the present without making any concessions to
               the needs of future generations.                    E)  The groundwater contamination seen in the area due
                                                                      to the concentration of waste is so much that it requires
            D)  With the adoption of ‘the 2030 Sustainable Development   immediate attention.
               Goals’ at the United Nations Sustainable Development
               Summit in September 2015, 193 countries decided
               upon meeting the needs of future generations without
               jeopardising the present.
            E)  Addressing the needs of the present without making
               any concessions to the needs of future generations is
               a priority for ‘the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals’
               adopted by 193 countries.

        6.  Humour is one of the elements that ensure cultural   8.  Nearly three-fifths of university students have reported
            continuity with its unique expression style and its    having gone to school while sick because they feared to
            characteristics of acquiring the codes of the society it   miss the classes if they stayed home.
            comes from.
                                                                   A)  Less than half of the university students have stated that
            A)  Humour is one of the factors that protect cultural    they went to school despite feeling ill because they did
               progression thanks to its unique style of expression   not want to stay behind the materials at school while they
               and its ability to accept the social norms from which it is   were home.
                                                                   B)  More than three-fifths of university students have reported
            B)  One of the factors securing cultural continuity is humour   that even if they were ill, they had to leave home and go
               as it has the ability to express anything with its own style.   to school so as not to fall behind on the classes.
            C)  Protecting cultural progression is one of the functions of   C)  About sixty per cent of university students have pointed
               humour due to its ability to accept the social norms of its   out that they have gone to school when sick for fear of
               society.                                               falling behind on the classes were they to stay home.
            D)  Humour has the ability to accept the social codes it   D)  Those  who  did  not  go  to  class  when  ill  despite  being
               belongs to, and that leads to the continuation of the   afraid of missing classes if they stayed home form a little
               cultural values.                                       more than two-fifth of all university students.
            E)  One of the factors that ensures cultural continuity is   E)  No matter how afraid they were of missing classes, nearly
               humour because of its ability to express everything in its   two-fifths of university students have stated that they
               own style.                                             avoided going to school at all costs when they were sick.

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